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Come home, relax, and climb into your very own personal sauna

Panoramic barrel lounge benches in Divine Sauna
Divine Saunas

Imagine this. You come home after a long day at work; you’re sore and ready to relax. But instead of climbing into the shower and then bed, you have the exhilarating opportunity to climb into a personal home sauna. Divine Saunas, a Traditional Finnish Sauna and Infrared Sauna provider, wants that exact scenario to happen to you. As a top source for luxury home sauna kits, they have everything you need to make it a reality. There are enough options to find your perfect fit, from industry-leading Infrared Saunas to cold plunge basins to wood-burning hot tubs and beyond. There are even outdoor showers to complement your spa, pool, or whatever setup you desire.

As you likely know, not all spas or saunas are created equal, so let’s look at what makes Divine Saunas’ offerings so unique.

Highly functional saunas made with elegance and grace

Dundalk Panoramic Barrel Sauna in the backyard with elegance.
Divine Saunas

For the most part, a sauna or a spa is made for one reason — to give you a soothing experience. They’re functional, yes, but they don’t always exude elegance or style. In fact, you might be downgrading your Feng shui with most hot tubs, spas, or saunas. That’s unfortunate. You want the area or space, wherever you install your sauna, to look and feel good, too. Divine Saunas, in their infinite elegance, provide the best of both worlds. They’re packed wall to wall with exceptional features, instantly transforming and boosting any space or room they’re placed in.

Take the , for instance. Made to look like a barrel and made of beautiful Western Canadian Red Cedar, this sauna seats up to eight people and offers a great view to everyone inside. Bear in mind, it is custom-ordered, so you can get one that seats anywhere from four to eight people — if you need something smaller. You can also choose the type of heater, like wood-burning or electric, as well as where it’s located, wall versus floor mounted. Moreover, while the core design has a standard bench, you can spring for an upgraded lounge bench that reclines or a curved signature bench. The point is, you have options, and they’re awesome.

Even just at a glance, it’s not difficult to see why Divine Saunas’ offerings are beyond reproach. In appearance alone, they’ll instantly turn any space, indoors or out, into a majestic scene. But as soon as you climb in, you’ll be transported into an entirely new dimension: one of relaxation, sensation, and bliss.

Find your sauna, spa, or cold plunge basin: Unwind in style

Divine Saunas Mira-Black-L product image
Divine Saunas

Just as you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, you can’t judge a company like Divine Saunas by one product. In reality, you should be taking a closer look at everything the brand offers to better understand what might be a good fit for you and your home. Perhaps you’d much prefer the design of the black-thermo spruce sauna? It features an exquisite, sleek, thermally modified wood finish with thick, insulated walls and subtle bench backlighting. Or, maybe you’d rather go with something like the for up to two people. Maybe you don’t want heat at all? Instead, you can go with a cold plunge, like the in clear red cedar or the with white cedar.

By now, you probably understand there are many options, which is the point we’re trying to make. But across all of its designs, Divine Saunas provides an exemplary and gorgeous set of spa and sauna kits that will stun any guests visiting your home. Even if it’s just for you and your partner or spouse, rest assured, you will have the best of times stepping into one of these.

Apple promises software updates, AI enhancements, and a fitness focus at WWDC 2024
Apple and OpenAI's new partnership is already paying off
Apple Vision Pro screens

WWDC has traditionally been a very software-focused conference, and 2024 was no exception. Apple announced a whole bunch of new operating systems that should add extra capabilities to iPhones, iPads, and Macs.

iOS 18 is set to hit the iPhone X and more recent devices sometime this fall. It includes a total rework of several apps, including the Photos app and how calls are handled. Multiple new customization options will also be present, allowing users to easily create custom backgrounds and adjust the color of app icons. AI is also set to be deeply integrated into the system.

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Need an energy boost? Try these 12 foods high in vitamin B12
Try incorporating these foods to meet your daily vitamin B12 needs
Seafood that is high in vitamin B12

Fatigue, depression, and anemia are often blamed on an inadequate intake of iron, but a vitamin B12 deficiency may be to blame. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is required for energy production in cells, brain function, and the production of DNA and proteins. Because a long-term deficiency can lead to permanent damage to the central nervous system, making sure you eat plenty of foods high in vitamin B12 regularly is important.
Vitamin B12 is produced by gut bacteria as a metabolic byproduct of fermenting certain foods; however, this production is insufficient to meet your needs, so B12 must also be consumed in the diet. Because vitamin B12 can only be found naturally in animal products, vegans and vegetarians are particularly prone to deficiencies. That said, some foods are usually fortified with vitamin B12, such as breakfast cereals, milk, yogurt, nutritional yeast, and milk alternatives like soy milk.
The daily value for vitamin B12 is 2.4 μg per day, and excess vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, which means you can build up a reserve to tap into on days when you don’t meet your needs. To ensure you’re firing on all cylinders and have the energy you need, be sure to stock up and make room on your plate for some of the following foods with B12 vitamin.


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Collagen protein vs whey protein: Which should you choose?
Collagen protein vs whey protein: What to consider

Collagen protein powder and whey protein might look the same from their packaging, but each of these workout supplements differs in their use and makeup. Whey protein powder has been used by fitness enthusiasts for decades, offering a convenient way to achieve protein macro goals. But powdered collagen supplements have only recently become a fitness trend -- but is it a fad? In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know about choosing collagen protein vs whey and how to determine which is best for your fitness goals.
What is collagen?
Collagen is an essential protein that plays many critical roles in our bodies such as providing structure and support for our bones, muscles, ligaments, connective tissues, and more. This important protein makes up about 30% of your body's total protein but declines naturally with age. Collagen peptide products are made from animal tissues (cow) that are boiled and dehydrated to create a powdered supplement. Once collagen begins gelatin and is made into a powder, it is packaged as a flavorless supplement you can find in your local health food or vitamin store. kasarp studio / Shutterstock
What is whey protein?

Whey protein is another product found in powdered supplement form. This protein supplement is made from whey, a byproduct liquid that separates milk when cheese is made. During the cheese-making process, milk fat coagulates and leaves behind whey, which is then turned into a powdered form. This is a complete protein that contains all nine essential amino acids. Our bodies cannot produce essential amino acids on their own; which means we must consume them in our diet.
Collagen protein vs. whey protein

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