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Macchiato vs latte: These two popular coffee drinks, explained

Do you know the difference?

Barista preparing drink
Louis Hansel /Unsplash

Now that sophisticated coffee drinks can be at our fingertips with nothing more than a press of a few buttons, it’s time we learn exactly what we’re drinking. With all of the wonderful espresso machines available now, we can make everything from americanos to flat whites to cappuccinos to affogatos. And while all of these options are great to have, there’s certainly a lot to learn. Naturally, being made with essentially the same ingredients but varying techniques (however subtle), there’s bound to be more than a little bit of confusion. Every day, we hear these words shouted out at our local coffee shops, but do we really know what they mean? Their ingredients? How much milk or foam or espresso or flavorings go into each? Does anyone really know? Our bet is that most of the people standing in line with you at Starbucks every morning are every bit as befuddled. So we’re here to finally tackle the mystery.

Let’s start with two of the most popular coffee drinks – macchiatos and lattes. What’s the difference between these two delicious coffee beverages?

Macchiato vs latte

Coffee drinks
didesign/Adobe Stock

Traditionally, the macchiato and the latte are made with the exact same ingredients—espresso and steamed milk. While modern-day coffee culture has certainly had fun bending the traditional take on these recipes, their heritage remains the same.

The main difference between these two drinks is that a latte contains more steamed milk, and a macchiato contains more espresso. However, when really examining the subject, this definition is rather oversimplified. So, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it all.

What is a Latte?

Y Cai / Unsplash

Like most popular coffee beverages, lattes originate from Italy. In Italian, the word ‘latte’ translates to ‘milk coffee,’ which is a perfect descriptor for this beverage. Lattes are smooth and mild, with a generous amount of steamed milk diluting the more aggressive and bold flavors of the espresso shot it’s poured upon.

In a traditional latte, espresso is either poured or dripped into a cup, and steamed milk is added on top. A typical latte is about 10 ounces and comprises 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk with about a half-inch layer of milk foam on top.

Latte art

Of course, it’s hard to picture a latte these days without visions of Insta-worthy latte art peppering the mind’s eye. Many trendy coffee shops take immense pride in their latte art, creating masterpieces with nothing more than espresso and microfoam. I personally once had a barista masterfully create my exact likeness in my latte’s foam, and I’m not sure I’ve ever been more impressed. Latte art is certainly a fun perk in lattes that can’t be found in macchiatos. 

What is a Macchiato?

Coffee drink
Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash

Also Italian in origin, the translation of the word ‘macchiato’ means ‘stained’ or ‘marked,’ referring to the way this drink is made. Incredibly rich and full of espresso flavor, the macchiato is much stronger than a latte, with far less milk added to the drink.

Macchiatos are traditionally about 3-4 ounces and are made by adding a shot of espresso to a cup of steamed milk in a ratio of 2/3 espresso and 1/3 steamed milk. They are essentially the exact opposite of a latte.

What about flavoring?

Barista preparing coffee
Andrew Tanglao / Unsplash

Traditionally speaking, lattes can sometimes be flavored, but not macchiatos. Of course, as we all know, traditional coffee rules went right out the window around the time Starbucks introduced the Frappuccino. But if you’re a stickler for technicalities, a macchiato ceases to be a macchiato once flavor is added.

Lattes, on the other hand, can typically be flavored without shaming tradition too much. Simple ingredients like vanilla or cinnamon have long been added to lattes and have typically kept their traditional standing. But with new menu items at Starbucks like the “Iced Lavender Vanilla Oatmilk Latte,” it’s hard to tell these days.

Cup size matters

Ashley Baxter / Unsplash

For those who enjoy a good Friends rerun, you may have noticed that coffee beverages used to be served in absolutely colossal-sized mugs in shops like Central Perk. Since the 90s, coffee cups have become significantly more practical, holding less than a full gallon of milk, but they still tend to err on the larger side. If you do happen to spot one of these mugs in the wild, know that what’s inside is more than likely a latte. Because of their high milk content, lattes are often served in larger-sized mugs, giving the espresso room to mix and meld with the steamed milk. Macchiatos, on the other hand, are most often served in much smaller cups or mugs.

Lindsay Parrill
Lindsay is a graduate of California Culinary Academy, Le Cordon Bleu, San Francisco, from where she holds a degree in…
This is our new favorite cold brew concentrate for nightcaps and coffee cocktails
Try this cold brew concentrate in everything from desserts to cocktails
People enjoying coffee cocktails.

Some people can have a cup of coffee at 9 p.m. and go right to sleep. The rest of us need to stop drinking caffeine by noon to even try to get to bed at a decent time. But if an end-of-the-day nightcap has you craving something with a coffee flavor, how can you make sure you won't be up all night? The crew at The Manual sampled Explorer's Cold Brew Concentrate — sans caffeine — and wants you to try it shaken, not stirred, in your next espresso martini.
The cold, concentrated truth

Before you make your first creation, know Explorer Cold Brew cares about offsetting emissions, the environmental impact of the whole process, and sourcing organic, fair-trade beans. The company also gives back, with every gourmet purchase leading to a donation to Charity:Water, which brings clean drinking water to areas without it. Every sip of your coffee-themed drink using Explorer Cold Brew is important — remember that.
Pick your caffeine level
Yes, there is a 99.9% caffeine-free option for those late-night drinks to help you unwind. But if you wanted your martini to give you an extra pick-me-up before your night out, choose one of the caffeinated options.
Find your flavor
For the cost of one cup of coffee from Starbucks, you can add a flavor to your cold brew. You could never go wrong with vanilla, but the choice of sea salt caramel is there if you feel adventurous.
Make it an elite elixir
A coffee cocktail will ease you into bed if you add an elixir. The Dreamer is perfect for sleepy time, and The Optimist is there to help you unwind.
A little goes a long way
Remember, this is cold brew concentrate. Don't give the $45 price any side eye. One 32oz bottle will make 20 cups of coffee, making the price per cup around $2.25. Do you know the last time you had cold brew that cheap? Don't lie.
Decaf doesn't have to mean disappointing

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What is Americano coffee? (And why you have WWII to thank for it)
americano coffee

Coffee aficionados love the bold, rich espresso taste of an Americano, but many newer coffee drinkers might find they're not quite sure what this popular beverage is. The Americano coffee offers a classic espresso taste that is not clouded by added sugar or cream. With so many coffee choices to select in our modern era, from handcrafted lattes to flat whites, the Americano remains a classic -- and for good reason. Below, discover how Americano coffee is made and how it came to be one of the most popular coffee drinks today.
What is an Americano coffee?

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