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A Quick Guide to Wine Dryness: Why It Tastes Sweet When It Isn’t (and More)

JP Valery / Unsplash

Having worked in wine for well over a decade, including countless hours in tasting rooms, I used to hear it all the time: Yuck, this is too sweet.

Little did the taster know, he was drinking a bone-dry Pinot Noir. As in, absolutely zero residual sugar and therefore no sweetness. They were likely just picking up riper, richer fruit notes typical of a warmer vintage or particular barrel regimen. So we wanted to settle one thing: What exactly is sweet wine, and what is dry in a wine?

A Quick Guide to Residual Sugar

In most red wines, there is little to no residual sugar — the amount of sugar left over after fermentation, when yeast is gobbling up sugar and turning it into alcohol. These wines ferment until dry (no sugar remaining) and then get pressed and, quite often, put to barrel.

With white wines, generally speaking, there is some room for residual sugar. It’s measured in grams per liter and can run anywhere from an off-dry Champagne with a touch of leftover sugar to a candy-sweet dessert wine or ice wine, with a whopping 300 grams/liter (or, 30% residual sugar content). It all depends on style and how the sugar interacts with the rest of the wine.

Essencia Royal Tokaji Wine Company Aszu Berries
Royal Tokaji Wine Company

(You can read more about the wine with the world’s highest amount of residual sugar, Royal Tokaji’s Essencia, here.)

Winemaker Matt Berson of Love & Squalor in the Willamette Valley considers it all a balancing act. He works closely with Riesling, a white grape known for producing beautiful wines spanning the sweetness spectrum. He says his Rieslings are all dry, but contain a smidge of sugar.

“If they didn’t, our customers would run screaming to their dentist,” Berson says. “You have to balance out that devious hit of acid with a hint of sweetness or the whole thing won’t balance.”

“It’s like a margarita. It’s no good without a splash of triple sec or simple syrup, he continues. “But with that little hint of sweet, man, you can drink them all night long.” Famed winemaker Ernst Loosen famously called Riesling the margarita of the wine world. He’s one of the biggest names in a place — the Mosel, along the French and German border — beloved for its Rieslings.

Because Riesling is primarily fruity, it can be mistaken for sweet, even while dry. “Ripe fruit flavors make our brain think of sweetness, and sugar is what our primitive brains are craving for our cave-person energy,” Berson says.

There’s a bravado to it all as well. But as any wise soul knows, there’s nothing wimpy about enjoying something with a little bit of sweetness. The Old World’s been at it for ages, with things like Port, Tokaji, Lambrusco, and more.

“Americans in particular are driving this dry thing into the ground, but we still consume oceans of soda, which has more sugar than any of the alcoholic beverages you’re demanding.”

For a handy wine dryness visual, check out this chart from the folks at Wine Folly.

Mark Stock
Mark Stock is a writer from Portland, Oregon. He fell into wine during the Recession and has been fixated on the stuff since…
A Quick Guide to Iranian Wine (and What You Can Get in the U.S.)
Azari Vineyards

Way, way back, the city of Shiraz was a place known for its wine. The vibrant Iranian town produced and enjoyed a fair bit of the stuff, gaining a vast reputation for fermented fruit.
The Persian region is home to some of the oldest evidence of enology on the planet. Vessels caked in tartaric acid, a byproduct of winemaking, have been found that date back to 5400 BC. They were discovered in the Zagros Mountains, the rugged range of peaks that makes up Iran’s western border.
Such rich history means plenty of corresponding mythology. One of the best tales involves a heartbroken girl rejected by the king. Suicidal, she ate rotten table grapes, seeking to end her life. As you might guess, she survived, and even got a little drunk. She reported her findings to the king and a glorious wine scene was born.
It’s estimated that until the revolution of 1979, as many as 300 wineries operated within Iran’s borders. Today, the industry is mostly forbidden, save for a few non-Muslim operations. However, there are almost certainly a few clandestine operations (producers, importers, etc.) as well, given that some reports say Iranians still drink a modest amount of wine per year, illegal as it may be. And there are the reports of the well-to-do, partying on weekends and even making some of their own wine at home.
So while the wine scene has been very limited in Iran for the last 41 years, the region as a whole over the course of civilization has largely embraced the stuff. It shows up in old paintings and literature (although the word wine has been outlawed in modern writing). And it makes sense, given the climate and elevation. Shiraz is set up quite high, giving it favorable diurnal shifts and a good grape-growing aspect.
While some suggest that today’s Shiraz wine (made from Syrah) owes its name in part to the historic central Iranian city, there’s not much to the claim. In fact, much of the wine that indigenous to the Shiraz area and enjoyed by its people was white, ranging from dry to sweet. It was typically fermented in amphora, both commercially and by families at home.
It’s pretty much impossible to taste anything alcoholic that’s made in Iran today. There are rumors of renegade winemakers smuggling Iranian-grown fruit across borders and making small amounts to be shipped to select spots, but very little evidence to back that up. Fortunately, there are other creative ways to taste a bit of the Persian tradition. Several wineries in the States were launched by Iranians and look to craft something that honors their homeland, not to mention its prehistoric relationship with wine.
A few to look out for:


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A Quick and Easy Guide to Michigan Wine
detroit vineyards

Next time you’re looking to wow friends with a bizarre drinks-related factoid, tell them this: Michigan is the nation’s sixth-largest producer of wine. For a state more recognized for its contributions to music, the automobile industry, and for some massive lakes, it can be a bit of a head-scratcher.
Like a lot of Midwestern states, Michigan started out in sweet wine. In fact, it still makes quite a bit of the stuff, and it also continues to be a leader in fruit wine and fortified fruit wines, cherry especially. But in the last couple of decades, wine grapes have found a home here — to the extent that some locals are dubbing the state’s wine scene as the Napa of the Midwest.

Presently the state is set up with five different appellations: Lake Michigan Shore, Fennville, Leelanau Peninsula, Old Mission Peninsula, and the wonderfully named Tip of the Mitt. By recent estimates, some 150 producers exist over this span, specializing in Cab Franc, Gewürztraminer, Merlot, Chardonnay, Syrah, and Riesling, as well as a few others.
The vast majority of the state’s grapes are grown within about 25 miles of Lake Michigan. The lake effect is real and vital, as the rest of the state routinely turns out conditions that are simply too harsh for most wine grapes. Traverse City is a big draw, a town of about 16,000 centrally located along the wine trail.
Like Virginia and Texas, it’ll be interesting to see how Michigan wine culture comes of age. At the moment, it’s a growing industry with a fair amount of potential—one that will only get wiser and better as future generations take to the task of winemaking.
Some stops of note, should you find yourself in The Great Lakes State:

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A Quick Guide to Understanding Israeli Wine
guide to israeli wine

When people think of Israel, they tend to think of an old, old place. When they think of Israeli wine, they tend to jump straight to Manischewitz. For shame. The Middle-Eastern country of more than nine million people boasts a surprisingly robust wine scene thanks to geographical diversity and a plethora of producers. Oh, and a lot of history, too. 
It’s fair to tie the ancient element to the wine scene. Israeli wine and viticulture is mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy, for Pete’s sake. Romans made special requests for the vintage versions of the stuff back in the day (shipped in amphora no less). What began as absorbed knowledge from the nearby Egyptians thousands of years ago is now its own sovereign winemaking world, built around added expertise and varietals introduced by the French in the 19th century.
Yes, Manischewitz is very much around. In fact, Israel still produces a lot of kosher wines for Jewish communities all over the globe. Most of what’s produced is kosher, but that really doesn’t mean much from a winemaking standpoint. Wine made and used solely for sacramental purposes is a tiny slice of the pie. Most of today’s Israeli wine has no religious purpose beyond the divine enjoyment experienced from a couple of good glasses. And because the U.S. get the most of what’s exported, Americans are being let in on the evolving scene.

Let’s start with the landscape. In terms of latitude, Israel is on par with southern California and Baja, Mexico. The climate is influenced greatly by the nearby Mediterranean and much of the growing happens in the nation’s cooler northern parts. A mix of soils and microclimates add layers and terroir to the Israeli wine world.
There are five main growing regions. The Galilee is the most renowned, the backdrop for some of the highest elevation vineyards in Israel. The big diurnal swing in the hills of the northwest corner of the country make for quality growing conditions. The Shomron sits along the Mediterranean, south of Haifa and made famous by Mount Carmel, the winery established by the iconic Baron Edmond de Rothschild.
There’s also Samson, set south of Tel Aviv and a bit inland and the Judean Hills south of Jerusalem and set closer to the Dead Sea. Finally, the Negev, a desert region but showing some promise thanks to irrigation.
What’s being made within this age-old nation roughly the size of New Jersey? Well, primarily Cab, Chardonnay, Syrah, Merlot, and Sauvignon Blanc. Varieties like Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Roussanne, and Chenin Blanc are showing some real potential. There are also fun, relatively obscure types like Marselan and Argaman.
Our country has always had a pretty tight relationship with Israel. Politics aside, this administration is very much reflective of that. And because the sitting Prez doesn’t touch the stuff, that means more Israeli wine for you and me.
Want to try Israeli wine? Here are a few to sample:

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