Labor Day began as a celebration as the American workforce, which translates today to a three-day weekend. What better to spend your time off than by unplugging and enjoying the outdoors? If you can’t swing a last-minute getaway or camping adventure this weekend (Friday, August 30 through Monday, September 2), then you might as well take advantage of the best Labor Day deals on outdoor gear for your next trip.
Some of our favorite retailers — including REI, Backcountry, and more — will be offering steep discounts on items like tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, backpacks, and more. Since Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer, we’ll be looking forward to sales on warm-weather gear. Thing products for camping, backpacking, swimming, hiking, watersports, biking, climbing, and more. However, we can also expect a few deals for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding. It’s never too early to start planning excursions for later this year or next summer.
Rather than go to the physical store and deal with the crowds of hungry Labor Day shoppers, we suggest buying online. We’ll be rounding up the best Labor Day deals on outdoor gear and placing them here to make your search that much easier.
Best Labor Day Deals on Outdoor Gear
We’ve highlighted some of the best products, but there are so many other deals you should check out, especially from REI. Need new stakes or patches for your tent? Get those while they’re 30% off. Is your camp chair about to wear out? You can find discounts on everything from heavy-duty rockers to lightweight backpackers.
When Is Labor Day?
Labor Day is Monday, September 2 (the first Monday in September). However, stores and sites will have Labor Day sales starting as early as Thursday, August 29 running through the entire three-day weekend. Product availability will be limited; while there isn’t one day during the weekend that will be best for shopping, we suggest to start your search early so you can score deals before they run out.
Tips for Finding the Best Labor Day Deals
First off, you need to bookmark this page — don’t forget that we’ll be updating it with the best Labor Day deals on outdoor gear. If you’re unsure about a product, do a quick Google search to compare prices and find reviews. However, you can trust that we’ll only highlight the top brands, well-reviewed products, or steepest discounts.
We’ll be focusing on all of the fun things you need to get outside, however, our team is also scouring the Internet for the best sales on men’s clothing.