Tobacco flavors are heavily influenced by the soil and climate where the plants are cultivated. That’s precisely why cigars from different regions, like Nicaragua versus the Dominican Republic, have unique flavors. It’s also why I always recommend you branch out and try new blends and cigars, with most options available at the best places to buy cigars online these days. Having tried quite a few myself, I wanted to point out a uniquely blended stick that uses prized Ometepe tobacco. Ometepe is an island in Lake Nicaragua, originally formed by two volcanoes.
The rich volcanic soil adds to the flavoring, giving it a sweet taste and aroma, matched with the Jalapa Valley fillers. What does it all mean? The result is a medium-bodied cigar with complex, incredible flavors like leather, chocolate, spice, and sweets. It’s also rolled by the Plasencia family, an all-time favorite in the Nicaraguan cigar trade. Since it’s from JR, you can expect a great price — they’re only $93 per box of 10 right now in the Robusto size. That’s nearly $28 in savings on an already well-priced cigar, but thanks to the deal, it’s now less than $10 per stick.
Why you should buy a box of the JR Pure Origin Gran Vulcano
If you love a good medium-bodied smoke bursting with flavor, the Pure Origin should be in your humidor. Trust me when I say just one isn’t enough. After you light it up and begin puffing, you’ll immediately want some more. They come in a few sizes, including Toro and Robusto, with the latter being a prime selection. The shorter smoke lends itself well to the complex flavoring, and you’ll definitely get an incredible experience each time.
The Pure Origin Gran Vulcano has a Habano Jalapa wrapper, a Habano Ometepe binder — from the volcanic soil we talked about earlier — and an Ometepe Jalapa filler. It all comes from Nicaragua and is blended and rolled by the renowned Plasencia family. The and lines are also worth checking out, if you haven’t yet.
Back to Pure Origin, another thing that might interest you is that the tobacco was grown using environmentally friendly cultivation methods. In keeping with that eco-conscious theme, the cigars are also packaged inside biodegradable and fully recyclable boxes.
If you want a lush, smooth smoke, certainly give the Pure Origin Gran Vulcano a try. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that they’re on sale right now for less than $10 per stick. You can grab a box of 10 in the Robusto size for only $93. That saves you $28 right off the top.