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Five great hop waters for an alcohol-free summer refresher

Hop water is a refreshing break from beer

Sparkling Water

Summer is coming, and that means the weather is going to get hotter, the days are going to get longer, and you’re going to want to drink something crisp, refreshing, and thirst-quenching. And while you can’t beat a glass of cold water on a hot, humid day, it’s kind of boring.

A frosty, hoppy beer is amazing, but sometimes you don’t want to get a buzz on at three o’clock in the afternoon. Luckily, there’s a drink that’s the best of both worlds. We’re talking, of course, about hop water. Don’t know what hop water is? Well, it’s exactly like you hope it will be.

What is hop water?

Sparkling water
Giorgio Trovato/Unsplash

If you’re a fan of seltzer (regular, not hard) water or simple sparkling water and you love the aroma and flavor of hops, you’ll love hop water, The best versions are piney, floral, and hop bombs. They’re also a much better option for an alcohol-free beverage than a non-alcoholic beer because they aren’t trying (and usually failing) to taste like beer.

These hop-infused sparkling waters are crafted to be effervescent water that tastes like hops. To add to that, hop water makers often add various fruit flavors like lemon, lime, mango, grapefruit, and more to round out the flavor.

The best hop waters for alcohol-free refreshment

Sparkling water in glass
Getty Images

Now that you have learned a little bit about hop water, it’s time to find some to drink. While there are a handful currently available, some are better than others. That’s why we picked five of the best-tasting hop waters on the market. Keep scrolling to see them all.

Daypack Mango

Daypack Mango

This flavorful hop water comes from the folks at the well-known non-alcoholic beer brand Athletic Brewing. It’s a refreshing, gluten-free hop water that gets its floral, piney, tropical fruit aromas from the liberal use of Chinook hops. Mango flavor adds a new dimension to this crisp, refreshing, hoppy, summery beverage. Bring it on your next biking expedition for an alcohol-free, thirst-quenching finish to a day in the sun.

Sierra Nevada Hop Splash

Sierra Nevada Hop Splash
Sierra Nevada

California’s Sierra Nevada is well-known for its iconic Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, various IPAs, and countless other award-winning beers. But it also makes an exceptional hop water. Infused with Citra and Amarillo hops, It’s a refreshing, tropical, fruity, hoppy, piney, dank, aromatic floral way to enjoy sparkling water. What could be better on a hot day? It’s a great respite from the high-ABV IPAs you’ll likely be sipping all summer long.

HOP WTR Blood Orange

HOP WTR Blood Orange

Not only does HOP WTR Blood Orang contain no alcohol, calories, or sugar, but it’s bursting with Citra, Amarillo, Mosaic, and Azacca hops. The result is a crisp, thirst-quenching sparkling water that’s loaded with citrus flavors and dank, resinous, floral hops. To add to that, the folks at HOP WTR add adaptogens (for stress relief) and nootropics (for neurologic health). It’s great hop water for crushing while you sit on a sun-warmed dock with your feet effortlessly dangling in the warm water below.

Short’s Thirst Mutilator

Short’s Thirst Mutilator

With a name like Thirst Mutilator, you should have a pretty good idea about what you’re going to get into when you crack open one of these bad boys. This alcohol-free, calorie and carbohydrate-free sparkling hop water comes from the brewers at Short’s Brewing. This collaboration between Short’s and guitarist and bluegrass musician Billy Strings known for its effervescent, lemon, lime, and dank hop aroma and flavor. It’s a great drink for all outdoor activities, especially yard games.

Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher

Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher

Another brewery well-known for its IPA prowess, Lagunitas’ Hoppy Refresher is a can’t-miss hop water if you’re a fan of dank, resinous West Coast IPAs but you’d like a rest from all that pesky alcohol. Flavored with Equinox, Citra, and Centennial hops, Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher is known for its bubbly, crisp palate as well as flavors of citrus peels, tropical fruits, and dank, piney, floral hops. It’s the kind of hop water you’ll want to crush while you stand next to a grill all summer long.

Bottom line

Fresh spring sparkling water
Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

If you like sparkling water and you enjoy hops, it only makes sense to spend the warmer months enjoying myriad hop waters. Sure, you’ll still have a beer or two while you sit on a deck or a pontoon boat in the middle of a lake, but a nice crisp, refreshing, hoppy break is always invited. Mix in a hop water between double IPAs and you’re sure to have the epic, sun-drenched, activity-filled summer you imagine you’ll have.

Christopher Osburn
Christopher Osburn is a food and drinks writer located in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. He's been writing professional
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These popular pale ales are great for all occasions year-round
Classic Grocery Store Pale Ales
Beer glass

While the IPA seems to get most of the press when it comes to hoppy, floral, bitter, refreshing beers, you wouldn’t want to sleep on its close cousin, the pale ale. Especially the thirst-quenching, crisp, always easy-drinking American pale ale.

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