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What Anchor Brewing Company’s new owner, Chobani’s Hamdi Ulukaya, has planned

Anchor Brewing Company gets new life

anchor brewing liberty ale
Anchor Brewing Company

The iconic San Francisco brewery, Anchor Brewing Company, is to get a second lease of life thanks to a new ownership deal. The brand has been in trouble since its parent company Sapporo struggled during the pandemic, and production of the beloved craft beer was shuttered in a wave of craft beer bankruptcy filings. However, it has now been purchased by Hamdi Ulukaya of Chobani yogurt fame, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle.

Anchor Brewing is one of the U.S.’s oldest craft beer breweries, best known for its flagship Anchor Steam Beer, which has been made since before 1900. However, Sapporo’s acquisition did not work out, with the company losing money and laying off the brewery’s workers. Now Ulukaya, founder and CEO of the Chobani yogurt company, wants to restore the brewery and start production again.

Ulukaya said he will have to get permits and paperwork in order before getting the brewery back into operation, but is hoping to do so very soon. “Let’s get back to work. Let’s bring it back to life. I don’t want to sit around,” he said to the Chronicle. “Wouldn’t it be amazing to get it going in time to make the Christmas ale this year? That would be awesome.”

Ulukaya is an experienced entrepreneur, the owner of the La Colombe coffee company as well as his yogurt empire; however, he doesn’t have experience in the brewing industry. So long-term fans of Anchor may be skeptical about his abilities to save the beer where others have failed and in a shrinking market for craft beer. But Ulukaya says he will be consulting with long-term employees of Anchor and that he has confidence that the heritage of the brand makes it worth saving.

Georgina Torbet
Georgina Torbet is a cocktail enthusiast based in Berlin, with an ever-growing gin collection and a love for trying out new…
Coors Banquet beer has its own Yellowstone-themed proposal pack
If you're bold enough to propose with a beer themed prop, we salute you
coors banquet yellowstone pack x lifestyle 1

Fans of Yellowstone, the hit Paramount show, are still waiting impatiently for the conclusion of season 5 set to air later this year. But just in time for the return of the show, Coors Banquet is coming out with a special edition pack celebrating the series.

The Coors Banquet Proposal Pack is a six-pack bolder for stubbies, with a secret compartment holding a engagement ring. Inspired by the scene on the show where Beth proposes to Rip, the compartment holds a replica of the ring used on the show and a card printing with her romantic monologue.

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What is a gruit, and where can you find one?
Gruit, the beer made without hops that you need to try
Beer snifter chalice glass

Most beers you know and love today have four primary ingredients: water, barley, hops, and yeast. That’s largely due to the centuries-old German beer purity law, or reinheitsgebot, which demanded that beer be made exclusively using these ingredients and set the standard for today’s brews. 
But beer is an ancient beverage — historians believe its story stretches back to 5th millennium BC in Iran and went on to be enjoyed by the likes of Egyptian pharaohs and the Greek philosophers. However, if Socrates or Tutankhamun ever enjoyed a pint in their days, the beer was likely missing one of those four critical ingredients: the hop.
In today’s hop-hungry climate of India pale ales (and hazy IPAs, New England IPAs, as well as milkshake IPAs, and others), it seems impossible that beer could exist without hops. The fact is that many other natural ingredients can serve as substitutes for the bittering, aromatic, and flavoring characteristics of hops. Today, if a beer relies on other herbs to fill the "hops" role, the beverage is classified as a gruit.

Gruit is the German word for herb. Instead of depending on hops, these brews use exotic additives like bog myrtle, horehound, elderflowers, and yarrow to offset the sweetness of the malts and create a more complex beverage.
Thanks to the creativity of modern breweries, you don’t have to travel back to the Middle Ages to find a gruit (though if you can, please let us in on your time travel technology). You can try them right now, but you will have to do some detective work.
“Authentic” gruits can be tough to find in the mainstream marketplace. That’s because some laws require hops to be present for a product to be sold as beer. Not having the “beer” title would limit distribution and sales channels for some breweries.  To illustrate how rare gruits are in the current marketplace, there are currently 32,576 American IPAs listed on the Beer Advocate database and only 380 gruits.
But don’t despair — this list will help you get started on the path toward discovering modern versions of the ancient ale. Start your gruit journey here:

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The best beer destination in Europe is not what you think
You'll be surprised to learn the top beer city in Europe

While beer is a big deal in the United States, it’s only been going through a boom for the last few decades. While there are well over 9,000 breweries currently operating in the country, back in 1988, there were only 100 craft breweries in the US. That’s a massive shift in beer’s popularity in 35 years.

Europe, on the other hand, has brewing traditions that extend for hundreds of years. While the US has only existed as a country since 1776, Germany’s Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan in the heart of Bavaria has been brewing beer since 1040. That’s a staggering 700 years longer than the US existed as a country.

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