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Find bars specializing in alcohol-free cocktails with this search engine

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As more and more people are choosing to forgo alcohol, there’s been a boom in thoughtfully made, delicious, non-alcoholic cocktails. Gone are the days of a couple of sad, overly sweet mocktails being tacked on to the end of a drinks list as an afterthought — now, bartenders around the world are getting interested in the possibility of alcohol-free drinks. Whether you’re doing a dry month, you’re off alcohol altogether, or you just fancy trying something different, a night at a bar specializing in mocktails can be eye-opening.

But it’s not always easy to find places that will suit a non-drinking crowd, which is why an alcohol-free search engine is hoping to change that. Mocktail Quest lists bars, restaurants, and shops that specialize in alcohol-free options.

The offerings can be viewed by location type or by city and mostly cover major cities in the U.S. (although there are some suggestions for cities like London, too). These include bars that are entirely alcohol-free or have a good selection of alcohol-free options, restaurants with alcohol-free drinks on their menus, and bottle shops that stock alcohol-free beers, wines, or spirits.

There are a surprising number of shops that specialize in NA drinks, so this could also be a good opportunity to stock up on a non-alcoholic spirit for mixing NA cocktails at home. That’s always handy to have on hand to offer to guests who may be driving or who prefer not to drink. Check out our recommendations for the best mocktail recipes for more NA ideas.

Georgina Torbet
Georgina Torbet is a cocktail enthusiast based in Berlin, with an ever-growing gin collection and a love for trying out new…
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