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Love an Aperol Spritz? Try out these spritz alternatives

Love an Aperol Spritz? Try out these spritz alternatives for a sparkling summer

Aperol spritz cocktail Goskova Tatiana / Shutterstock

The Aperol Spritz is a ubiquitous cocktail over the summer months. With its combination of sweet and bitter and a bright, distinctive color, it has something for everyone — so it’s no surprise it’s taken the world by storm over the last few years. But while this drink is a great choice for a summer sipper, maybe you’re looking to expand into something a bit different. In that case, it’s time to explore the wider world of spritzes.

A spritz is just a mixed drink made with sparkling wine, a dash of water, and any kind of liqueur or amaro to add complexity and interest. That template allows for a lot of experimentation and adjustment to your own tastes, so you should feel free to try out making spritzes with whatever you happen to have to hand. One of my favorite unexpected variations is to use ginja, a Portuguese sour cherry liqueur typically drunk as a shot in place of the Aperol. Its sweet and sour flavors are the ideal substitution for the thickness and sweetness of Aperol.

But if you’d rather have some guidelines for where to start, then there are a few classic spritz recipes that you can try out at home.

Alternative spritz ideas

A more bitter and intense alternative that’s popular in Italy is a Campari spritz, which simply swaps one amaro for another. The Campari may make this too bitter for some, but if you enjoy strong bitter flavors then you’ll love this version — and it is a lovely deep red color which looks great in the glass.

For those with a sweeter tooth who are looking for a more floral take on the spritz, then the Hugo spritz is the way to go. This uses elderflower liqueur like St. Germain in place of the Aperol. For my palate, it’s a bit sweet so I dial down the ratio of St. Germain to sparkling wine, but it’s great if you want something less bitter than the Aperol.

Finally, another Italian favorite and a delicious summer treat is a limonchello spritz. It has sweetness from limonchello rather than Aperol, but also a lovely sour note which mixes surprisingly well with sparkling wine.

Georgina Torbet
Georgina Torbet is a cocktail enthusiast based in Berlin, with an ever-growing gin collection and a love for trying out new…
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Aperol isn’t only for spritzes — try an Aperol Mist
Aperol and wheat beer? It's better than you think
Bartender making an Aperol spritz

With its distinctive orange color and crowd-pleasing flavors, Aperol is everywhere in the summer. And while the Aperol Spritz is the favorite way to drink this amaro by miles, it's not the only way to enjoy the bitter-sweet flavors. We've talked about alternative spritz recipes recently, but what about another alternative -- like an Aperol cocktail for the beer lovers out there?

Enter the Aperol Mist. Beer cocktails can be difficult to do well, because the lower abv of beer tends to carry less flavor than high-abv spirits, so mixed drinks with beer can taste watery or too sweet. But this genius recipe uses a hearty, substantial wheat beer rather than a lighter and more classic lager. Wheat beers have a thick, almost chewy texture and a heavy dose of yeast flavor, so they are almost like a liquid bread. And to me, that's no bad thing, as they add a hefty savory quality to this drink that balances out the sweetness of the Aperol.
How to make an Aperol Mist
The Aperol Mist isn't a fussy cocktail to make. In fact, you don't even need to shake or stir it with ice, because there is already plenty of water in the beer to carry the other flavors. You simply need to combine 1 oz of Aperol with 1 oz of freshly squeezed lemon juice for some zing, and pour these into a pint glass filled with a generous amount of ice cubes. Then top up with wheat beer.

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Mirate bar staff.

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