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What is a mulligan in golf?

Before you line up at the tee, knowing what is a mulligan in golf might help save your swing

We all want a second chance on a swing that didn’t go as planned. If you are nodding your head, you’re in luck because, in golf, there is a rule that allows a player to get another shot. Maybe you shanked a ball, or it landed in no man’s land, and you would rather go home than try to play from the woods. The game of golf is all about the swing off the tee, so learn what is a mulligan in golf and if this recreational rule could help your game.

What a mulligan is in golf

A person about to swing on the golf course.
WWW PROD / Unsplash

A mulligan is when a player is allowed to replay a stroke from the same place as the previous swing without having to worry about taking a penalty. The golfer is scored by what happens with the second stroke, and the first swing doesn’t exist. A golfer’s little magic eraser. There are a few more detailed nuances to it, but that’s the basic level of it.

Why a mulligan exists

Have you ever had your ball land in an impossible spot? You and your group have discussed it, looked at it from every angle, and could not come up with a way to play through it. That’s where a mulligan comes in handy. It exists to help players become more at ease when a swing goes horribly wrong.

Mulligan use

It can be used for any horrible shot that can’t be played through, an act of nature a player cannot help, or for lost balls. If your ball lands in a tough spot or a bunker trickier than your skill level knows how to deal with, use a mulligan.

As a general rule, limit each play to one mulligan per nine holes. An 18-hole game would allow each player two mulligans. A player can use one somewhere in the first nine holes and another mulligan in the last nine holes. You don’t want every player to use one at every tee, or it would defeat the purpose of keeping the game going at a reasonable pace.

Where the term mulligan came from

This is one of those golf terms that doesn’t have a solid history. The term wasn’t cited in the Oxford English Dictionary until 1936 but popped up in the Detroit Free Press in a 1931 issue. As for being named after a player, the top two contenders for the cup are John A. “Buddy” Mulligan and David Mulligan.

How to use a mulligan

To use a mulligan, you defer to the group. Everyone else playing must agree a mulligan is allowed, so make sure everyone is on your good side before you start the round. If even one player says they don’t want to play with the rule, you can’t use it. 

Facts about using a mulligan

A person about to take a swing at golf.
Courtney Cook / Unsplash

A mulligan isn’t an official thing 

The term isn’t recognized as an official rule in the Rule Book of Golf. It’s not something you see being used at the Masters because the PGA doesn’t acknowledge it.

The other part is a mulligan is reserved for tee swings only, since tee shots are generally harder. No mulligans on the fairways. What happens if you call for a mulligan when the group you are playing in or against has vetoed them? You will have a penalty on your hands or could even find yourself out of the game.

Why the Rules of Golf say no to mulligans

You can’t use mulligans in the big time in golf simply to keep it fair. Having a level playing field in a professional sport upholds the integrity of the game. It could also make players less focused and take away the strategy aspect if they know they get to redo a tee.

Why mulligans are used in golf

In a casual game between friends, a mulligan is a handy tool. It moves things along if someone loses a ball and no one can find it. It helps keep players level-headed and calm and keeps a friendly game, well, friendly. There’s no need to get angry knowing you have a backup swing at your hip.

Who uses mulligans

You may have figured out that since a mulligan isn’t an official PGA rule, it’s reserved for people who like to play for fun recreationally rather than the pros. You don’t want one bad swing to ruin the whole game, bring the vibe down, or make everyone miserable for the rest of the round. 

If you have a high handicap, knowing you could call a mulligan keeps you from feeling embarrassed or worried about your game. You are supposed to have a good time, not be worked up at every tee.

There is an opposite term

If a mulligan gets you a free second swing, then a gilligan is when another player calls out the person who just swung a shot to do it again. Usually, each player in the group gets one gilligan per round of golf, but you can decide as a group if you get one gilligan every nine holes. If it sounds ruthless, it is. It’s like laying down that Uno reverse card for the kill.

Before you and your friends pick your next tee time and get ready to tackle a round of golf, discuss using a mulligan. Be fair and don’t let it be called out on the fairways and limit how many each player gets, but see if it would turn an okay round into something more exciting and enjoyable. Take a little pressure off your swing by throwing a mulligan into the mix.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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