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How to cook flank steak: The tips and tricks you need

If it isn't already, flank is about to become your new favorite steak

Steak on a cutting board
Emrevonal / Pixabay

Increasingly popular flank steak is enjoying its time in the sun, and for good reason. This trending little beef cut is loaded with savory, beefy flavor, a juicy, delectably tender bite, and far fewer calories than its fattier counterparts. The best part? Even with all of the attention this summertime barbecue favorite is getting, it’s still one of the more affordable cuts of beef you can buy.

This delicious, budget-friendly cut of steak comes from the cow’s abdominal muscles, located below the loin and sirloin and in front of the rear quarter. Long and lean, this oddly flat cut can contain some connective tissue (otherwise known as silver skin) that should be trimmed before cooking, but it doesn’t otherwise require any special preparations besides a good marinade. Keep reading to learn how to cook flank steak.

How to prep flank steak

Skewered steak
pfpgroup / Adobe Stock

Flank steak is one of those beef cuts that not only benefits from a good swim in a flavorful marinade but requires it for a tender bite of steak. When marinated, this otherwise tough cut transforms from a chewy cheap cut of meat to a magnificently tender and flavorful masterpiece.

Marinades are loosely comprised of three elements — oil, acid, and flavoring agents. The acid in the marinade will help break down the tough proteins in flank steak, making it tender. Oil will assist with lubricating your steak so that it can develop a perfect crust, and of course, additional ingredients added to your marinade will help flavor your steak however you’d like. Fruit juices, different flavors of vinegar, and fresh herbs and spices are all delicious in a marinade.

If you want to add a little sweetness to your dish, ingredients like sugars, maple syrups, and honey are wonderful additions. We recommend marinating flank steak for at least 30 minutes but no longer than 24 hours. Because this cut is so thin, the proteins will break down faster than in other beef cuts and cause it to become overly tenderized and mushy. Usually, around 8 to 12 hours is the perfect sweet spot for marinating flank steak.

How to cook flank steak

Man grilling
Vincent Keiman / Unsplash

Unlike so many barbecue favorites that benefit from a low and slow cook (we’re looking at you, brisket), flank steak is completely the opposite. Hot and fast is the best way to go when cooking flank steak. This is because, much like skirt steak, the cut is so thin that it hardly needs any time to cook other than a quick sear over the heat. If left to cook for too long, a flank steak can very easily overcook.

It’s worth mentioning that because flank steaks are so oddly shaped, with one side often thicker than the other, it’s a good idea to cook the thicker side over higher, direct heat and the thinner side over indirect heat. This is easier to manage when grilling your flank steak but can be done with some careful maneuvering over the stovetop or the broiler as well.

On the grill

Arguably the best way to cook any steak, the grill just adds a little something special to the meal. Maybe it’s the extra smoky flavor of the coals or the fire-kissed char that settles on the steak’s crust. Maybe it’s just that food cooked outdoors always tastes better. Whatever the reason, grilled steak is phenomenal, and flank steak is no exception. Cook flank steak on the grill over medium/high heat for about 4 to 5 minutes per side, taking care to cook the thicker side over a hotter spot on the grill, if possible.

Under the broiler

We love to cook flank steak under a broiler. No need to go outside or stand over a hot pan. Simply place your marinated flank steak on a foil-lined sheet pan under the broiler for about 6 to 8 minutes, depending on your preferred doneness.

On the stove

The golden, crisp crust that only a cast-iron pan can deliver is something truly magical. When cooked over the stove in a cast-iron pan, flank steak develops an all-over crisp, golden crust that will have you nearly weeping. Simply heat your cast-iron pan over high heat and drop in your marinated flank steak. Cook until browned on the outside and medium rare on the inside, about 3 to 4 minutes per side.

Flank steak recipe

Sliced steak on cutting board
weyo / Adobe Stock

This simple but absolutely delicious flank steak recipe is perfect for just about any meal, including breakfast. Flank steak and eggs is one of the best combinations in the world. Of course, you can also slice this steak and put it in or on just about anything or eat it all by itself for a wonderfully meaty meal.


  • 1 1/2 pounds flank steak
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons brown mustard
  • 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together all of the ingredients but the flank steak, making sure everything is well combined.
  2. Place the flank steak in a large zip-top bag and cover it with the marinade, making sure the steak is completely covered.
  3. Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour or up to 12 hours.
  4. Remove the flank steak from the marinade and allow any excess to drip off.
  5. Heat the grill to high and cook the flank steak for 3 to 4 minutes per side until it reaches your desired doneness.
Lindsay Parrill
Lindsay is a graduate of California Culinary Academy, Le Cordon Bleu, San Francisco, from where she holds a degree in…
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