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The best men’s grooming products for your face: Our top picks

Keep Your Face Looking Young with These Procucts

The Manual Best Face Products
The Manual

Men go through a lot to get ready every day. We may not get a lot of credit or grace when it comes to getting ourselves prepared for the day, but we should be going through just as long of a process to get ready as women. We have to put together a great suit. We have to spend time on our hair to get just the right hairstyle. We need to learn how to get a great shave. And we need to find the right body grooming and colognes to make sure we always look our best. And, front and center of all that is our face. Taking care of our moneymaker is imperative to putting our best self forward. That is why we released our 2024 Grooming Awards; giving you all the information you need about the best grooming products on the market.

However, knowing the right products to have is only half the battle. Now, we have to help you understand how to use them and in what order. So, we have taken our favorite face products and put them together in a morning routine and an evening routine to help you make some sense of the information. But before we jump into that, there are two things you need to know about your skin.

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Know your skin type

Not all guys are created equal. Just go ahead and stand next to Chris Hemsworth and you’ll understand what we mean. But it isn’t just great genetics in the gym either, our skin types aren’t created equal either. Depending on what sources you use, there are five different types of skin, and you need to know which one you are. Getting the right grooming products will depend on which type you have. The five different skin types are:

  • Dry skin: men with dry skin suffer from a lack of moisture. The symptoms can include flaking, itching, and roughness due to dry and dead cells clumping together on their face. These guys may need to upgrade their moisturizers to more intense formulas and focus their masks on this problem.
  • Oily skin: As you may already know, this is the opposite of dry skin. These men experience spots with excess oil accumulating, causing the appearance of wet and greasy skin. This can lead to shiny appearance and acne breakouts. Be careful not to over-moisturize, as it will be easier to do so with this skin type.
  • Combination skin: You finally won the lottery, and you didn’t even have to play any numbers. This skin type won the unfortunate genetic lottery where they suffer from both of the above types and get virtually none of the benefits. Regardless of the products you pick up, it may take a little bit of trial and error for you to find the perfect combination.
  • Sensitive skin: If you have sensitive skin, you may think you have combination skin. While you may suffer from the same issues as the combo guys, yours is caused not by genetics but other factors like environment, stress, products, and diet. This will cause the same trial and error period as you try to discover what causes your sensitivities.
  • Normal skin: If you have this, then all of the above issues are less prevalent for you. Defining the type of skin you have is easier to list what it’s not…not dry, not oily, and not sensitive. Most every one of the below products are going to work just fine for you.

Ingredients to look for

man applying face mask
Safia Shakil/Unsplash / Unsplash

Ok, just like not all skin types are created equal, the same can be said for the products you use to maintain it. When you go to the gym, you can put in all the work you want, but if you don’t eat right then it will do you no good. Doesn’t matter what kind of product you are using, if the ingredients aren’t great, then you’re wasting your time. Once you figure out your skin type, here are the ingredients to look for.

  • Dry skin: Hyaluronic acid, glycerin, lactic acid, and oil-based cleansers are great choices for your face. Hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, so it’s your best friend.
  • Oily skin: Salicylic acid is great for reducing inflammation and controlling acne, which you likely struggle with. Vitamin C is another powerhouse for oily skin. It is an antioxidant that also reduces inflammation but has the added benefit of fighting hyperpigmentation and acne scars.
  • Combination skin: Superoxide dismutase may sound like a supervillain from a comic book, but it is a protective ingredient that strengthens the skin barrier to ward off free radicals and environmental stressors. Peptides are also a huge need as they are the building blocks of key proteins your skin uses to stay supple and strong, like collagen and elastin.
  • Sensitive skin: Ceramides are lipids making up the protective layer of your skin, using them repair the bonds that cause your skin to become irritated when broken. In addition to looking out for ceramides, it is best to use products without fragrances and retinols, as they can further break down these bonds and irritate your skin.

Best morning routine

Man with back pain.
Paolese / Adobe Stock

We know you are going to be in a hurry when you wake up in the morning. If you are an early riser, this won’t be that much of a struggle. But if you are a night owl, then you may struggle with giving even more time before heading out the door. However, this should only take another 15 minutes, and the benefits will be astounding. The purpose of a morning routine is to give your skin the jolt it needs to get started. Cleanse, hydrate, and protect are the goals here.

Cleanser: The Ordinary Glucoside Foaming Cleanser

Ordinary Face Cleansing Foam
Courtesy of The Ordinary

Start everything off the right way when you wake up by using a a gentle cleanser to remove impurities that gathered overnight. Use warm water when applying, not hot, and apply with circular motions. Rinse with the same warm water and pat dry, don’t rub with the towel.

Toner: Innisfree Green Tea Enzyme PHA Toner

Innis Free Green Tea Toner
Courtesy of Amazon

A toner is extremely important for your face’s health throughout the day as it is designed to balance out your face’s pH levels. These work great to counteract one side effect of the cleanser, which can leave your skin a little more alkaline. The best way to apply this to your skin is to use a cotton pad or cotton ball to apply directly to the oily areas of your skin.

Acne treatment: LaRosche-Posay Effaclar Duo Acne Spot Treatment

LaRosche-Posay Effaclar Duo Acne Spot Treatment
Courtesy of LaRoche-Posay

The morning is the time for you to go to battle against blemishes. There are many things that can cause us to struggle with acne, from diet to stress, but using an acne treatment in the morning will do wonders in fighting against them. Putting a small amount on your blemishes and letting it dry before you continue may feel like a waste of time, but while it dries, you can start putting together your outfit for the few minutes it dries.

Vitamin C: Drunk Elephant C-Firma Fresh Day Serum

Drunk Elephant C-Firma Fresh Day Serum
Courtesy of Drunk Elephant

Why do you want vitamin C on your face? It is packed with antioxidants and protects your skin from environmental pollutants and harmful UV rays. Add to that the extra bonus of a nice morning glow, and this is a much-needed step in your routine. Just a few drops on your face and neck, and you are good to go. You may need a second to let this one dry as well, but not long.

Moisturizer: Jackfir Daily Facial Moisturizer

Jackfir Daily Facial Moisturizer
Courtesy of Jackfir

Any skincare expert will preach, “moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.” This is an integral step to ensure that you keep your skin looking young and hydrated. Of course, if you want to maximize the effects of a good moisturizer, then you will want to ensure you get the right product for your skin type (see above for info before shopping). This is our favorite, but it needs to be right for you. When applying, use an upward motion when rubbing it in to increase circulation.

Eye Cream: Atwater Eye Armor

Atwater Eye Armor
Courtesy of Atwater

You work hard. We get it. You put in long hours and you are only a few months away from that promotion, we hope. But just because you are burning the candle at both ends doesn’t mean you should look like it. The skin around your eyes is thinner and more sensitive. Apply this with gentle pats and soft spreading using your ring finger to keep you looking refreshed.

Sunscreen: ISDIN Eryfotona Actinica Sunscreen

ISDIN Eryfotona Actinica Sunscreen
Coutesy of ISDIN

Doesn’t matter if you’re not going to the beach. It doesn’t matter if you work in an office and not in outdoor construction. The sun doesn’t take vacation and it will find you anywhere. This should be the last thing you do when you are leaving the house. Use an SPF 30 or higher and reapply every 2-3 hours if you are not lucky enough to hide from the sun in an office.

Best nighttime routine

man sleeping

You thought you were going to get away with just brushing your teeth and heading to bed, didn’t you? Your face has taken a beating today, and now you need to make sure you give it the treatment it deserves. While the morning routine takes a little longer at the sink, the evening routine is a little more relaxing and calming (at least it is supposed to be). There are some parts in here that you may think you don’t need or may feel like you are too manly to do, but don’t worry, it is just us here, and we can vouch for the results. This works…and at some point, you’ll start to get compliments for aging like George Clooney.

Exfoliator: Blu Atlas Exfoliating Scrub

Blu Atlas Exfoliating Scrub
Courtesy of Blu Atlas

2-3 times a week, you will want to add this step to your routine. While you want to cleanse every night to remove the SPF and any dirt and grime accumulated throughout the day (we have been on the Subway in NYC, don’t tell us you don’t accumulate it), the face scrub a few times a week will work to remove dead skin cells and will help the rest of these products absorb. DO NOT do this every night; you can certainly over-exfoliate, removing your skin’s protective barrier and causing it to crack, peel, or lose its elasticity.

Face mask: Blue Lagoon Silica Mud Mask

Blue Lagoon Silica Mud Mask
Courtesy of Blue Lagoon

We know what you are thinking: you are a guy, and you don’t need to wear a mask. Believe us, you do. Every skin type has something that it lacks. If your skin is dry, there are hydrating masks. If you want to slow aging, there are masks that can assist. You can always use the help. And, when you wear one watching an episode of Stranger Things, it is a nice way to spend time with your partner…probably while they wear one too.

Anti-aging: SkinCeuticals Cell Cycle Catalyst

SkinCeuticals Cell Cycle Catalyst
Courtesy of SkinCeuticals

The effects of aging are made worse by environmental factors like UV rays and pollutants. They can be made worse by internal factors like diet and stress. So, each night, you will want to add an anti-aging step into your routine. Our favorite product here, when applied nightly, will gently peel and enhance cellular turnover at the skin’s surface to smooth texture, improve the appearance of discoloration, and the look of visible lines.

Hydrating serum: Dr. Loretta Intense Replenishing Serum

Dr. Loretta Intense Replinishing Serum
Courtesy of Dr. Loretta

One of the most important aspects of your skincare routine is always going to be hydration. While you should be using a moisturizer in the morning, having a hydration step at night allows your face to absorb the essential nutrients overnight and keep you looking your best at all times. Be sure that you don’t overhydrate. If you have skin that is typically oily, then you have to be careful about overhydrating, creating an even more oily surface.

Ingrown hair treatment: European Wax Center Ingrown Hair Wipes

European Wax Center Ingrown Hair Wipes
Courtesy of European Wax Center

Ingrown hairs are the worst. When you shave in the morning, it is possible that your skin can get irritated. Picking up treatment to avoid ingrown hairs is always preferable, but just in case, use these wipes at night so they have the ZZZ time to heal and get less obvious by the next morning.

Retinol: Revision Skincare Retinol Complete

Revision Skincare Retinol Complete
Courtesy of Revision Skincare

Retinol is one of those products that can make or break your skin. It is packed with potent ingredients that can improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and even improve skin tone. It is perfect for skin cell production, collagen production, and skin pigmentation. There are some cons, and the biggest one is that it can end up causing temporary redness in the skin, which is why using it at night is best.

Night cream: Doctor Rogers Night Repair Treatment

Doctor Rogers Night Repair Treatment
Courtesy of Doctor Rogers

You have worked hard on your skin and now you want to make sure you get the best outcome. After a long day of damage, you apply some of the best products to repair it. This last one is perfect to keep everything sealed in nice and tight to ensure it works all night long so you can wake up and do it all over again. Sure, it may seem tedious, but after a few weeks of dedication and you will know and understand the importance.

As we get older, there is a constant barrage on the skin, and you want to make sure you put up a good fight and get the greatest tools. While you may see your face in the mirror every morning and night, there are other aspects you should focus on as well, and you can find all you need to know in our 2024 Grooming Awards.

Mark McKee
Mark is a full-time freelance writer and men's coach. He spent time as a style consultant and bespoke suit salesman before…
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