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Champion bodybuilder Arnie is back again with a killer push pull workout

Hit multiple muscle groups in one session with this killer workout

hollywood-Arnold star hollywood
RJA 1988 / Pixabay

When Arnold Schwarzenegger first uttered his famous line “I’ll be back,” he wasn’t kidding, and he remains one of the most influential bodybuilders in the fitness world. Arnie continues to pump iron, and recently, he shared this killer push-pull workout in his pump newsletter. This superset is an excellent choice when you’re on the go and need to use a hotel gym or when you’re at home and want to get a serious session in. All you need is dumbbells and a pull-up bar. We know by now that Arnie doesn’t mess around. Let’s take a look at his latest workout and the benefits of a push-pull workout routine.

Arnie’s push-pull workout

Arnold flexing shirtless black and white pic Getty
Hulton Archive / Getty Images

You’ll need two dumbbells, a high bar, and a bench to complete this workout. You can perform most of these moves on the floor if you don’t have a bench. Use a sturdy, elevated surface like a table to provide stability for rows.

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Superset 1:

flat dumbbell bench press
Slatan / Shutterstock

You’ll need to power through these exercises back-to-back in a superset. Try repeating these moves for five sets and rest between sets.

Set 1

  • Bench press – 15 reps
  • Chin-ups – between 6 and 12 reps 

Set 2:

  • Bench press – 12 reps
  • Chin-ups – between 6 and 12 reps 

Set 3:

  • Bench press – 10 reps
  • Chin-ups – between 6 and 12 reps 

Set 4:

  • Bench press – 8 reps
  • Chin-ups – between 6 and 12 reps 

Set 5:

  • Bench press – 6 reps
  • Chin-ups – between 6 and 12 reps 

Superset 2:

Dumbbell fly
WeStudio / Shutterstock

Perform these moves back-to-back in a superset. Perform three sets and rest between sets.

  • Dumbbell flys – 15 reps
  • Dumbbell pullover – 15 reps

Repeat for three sets.

Superset 3:

Man doing dumbbell rows on bench black and white pic
Aaron Barrera / Unsplash

If you want to work out like Arnie, you have to fire up those muscles for this third superset. Repeat this for two sets and rest between sets.

  • Push-ups – close to failure or as many as you can
  • Single-arm dumbbell row – 12-15 reps on each side

Repeat for two sets.

The benefits of a push-pull workout

strong man muscles back shirtless
Panther / Pexels

A push-pull workout is worth doing when you want to hit multiple muscle groups in one intense session. You use your pushing and pulling muscles every day, from pushing the grocery cart to pulling open the door or pulling the bed sheets on the mattress.

You use your pushing muscles like your chest, triceps, and shoulders to push an object away from your body or to press or push your body away from an object. Some of the best pushing movements include isolation exercises like lateral raises and compound exercises like bench presses. Pulling moves like face pulls, lateral pulldowns, and chin-ups are the perfect addition to your pulling workout. Strengthening these muscles enhances your overall athletic performance and functional abilities; plus, you get to train like Arnie.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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