Balance and flexibility are increasingly important throughout the years, especially to lower your risk of falls and injuries. TikTokers are doing the ‘old man test’ everywhere, and it might seem silly, but it could reveal a lot about your balance and your general health and fitness. Something as simple as putting on your socks and shoes could let you know if your balance is pretty good or if it could use some work. The old man test is a quick and worthwhile challenge.
What is the ‘old man test’
Fitness trainer Chris Hinshaw originally developed the ‘old man test’ in 2021 to help people check their balance, coordination, and biological age and pay attention to their current fitness level. Now, the old man test is still picking up steam. It involves standing on one foot and putting on your socks and shoes rather than sitting down, which is an easier go-to for many of us. It’s a simple concept, but it’s more difficult than it looks. You can’t lean on anything, and you have to shift all of your weight onto one leg, maintain your balance, and lift your other leg to put your sock and shoe on that foot. Next, you shift your weight to the other leg.
Similar challenges like the sit-stand or sit-rise test have also gone viral and made you stop and think about your balance and flexibility. With the sit-stand test, you have to sit on the ground and stand back up again without using your arms and hands. With the bar-hang test, you have to do a dead hang on a pull-up bar for about 30-60 seconds to see if you’re in good shape and predict how you might age.
What your balance says about your health
Studies show that good balance is associated with a longer life. Improving your balance makes you less likely to fall and get injured and helps you maintain good posture. If you’re a little shaky trying to do the old man test right now, it’s something that can be worked on and improved over time. You can also try balance exercises like Pilates, yoga, tai chi, stability ball exercises, and climbing stairs. Other types of exercise are also beneficial for well-rounded fitness.