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Winter is Coming: Why Air Duct Cleaning is Totally Worth It

With summer winding down, you’re probably starting to think about everything you need to get done before you enter full winter hibernation mode: caulking drafty windows, moving outdoor accessories indoors, maybe even a fall cleaning before the holidays. While an unwanted breeze or the sight of uncovered patio furniture might remind you to take care of some winterization tasks, there’s one part of your home that can be easy to forget about: your air ducts. Not only have your air ducts been keeping you comfortably cool all summer, you’ll be relying on them to keep you toasty all winter too. So fall is the perfect time for air duct cleaning — and there are plenty of great reasons to give your HVAC system a little TLC.

To Increase Heating Efficiency

Although fall and winter bring plenty to look forward to, from turkey day feasts to holiday cheer, they also bring about higher utility costs as you try to keep your home safe from the chilly outdoors. When your air ducts are squeaky clean, warm air can flow freely and your heater can maintain a comfortable temperature with minimal effort. If those ducts get clogged with dust and debris, the whole system has to work a lot harder to keep air circulating properly — which means higher utility bills for you. Having your air ducts cleaned before winter increases the efficiency of your HVAC system and the savings can help line your pockets with extra cash for holiday expenses.

air vents
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To Improve Air Quality and Circulation

Cold weather means you’ll be spending a lot more time in your house, and the holidays mean you’ll likely have visitors too. The last thing you want to do is entertain in a house that feels stuffy or has a lingering musty smell that will have guests giving you the side-eye. Dirty ducts prevent your HVAC system from pulling more dust out of the air, which can leave your house smelling like wet newspaper and regret. A good cleaning will give you back that new house smell and keep holiday company happier and healthier.

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To Eliminate Irritants and Hazards

Those dirty ducts don’t just make your home’s air stiff and stinky, they’re also a favorite hangout for harmful allergens and irritants that can recirculate back into your house. Having a professional give your HVAC system a once over will alert you to any infestations, mold growth, or debris buildup that can contribute to nausea, headaches, congestion, and poor sleep. If you have any allergy or asthma sufferers in your family, they’ll surely thank you for helping them breathe easier.

dusty vent
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Aside from health concerns, HVAC systems that become clogged with highly-flammable lint are also a major fire hazard, and letting them go unserviced for too long can be an invitation for disaster.

To Cut Down on Your Cleaning Schedule

Ever spent a Saturday giving your whole house the ol’ scrub-down, only to find a brand new layer of dust on everything a couple days later? An unkempt HVAC system could be your problem. When debris builds up in your air ducts, it gets recirculated back into your home and settles on your furniture, creating that seemingly insurmountable layer of dust on every surface. Having your ducts cleaned will help keep your home neat and your schedule clear.

With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why an annual duct cleaning is a no-brainer addition to your winterization checklist.

LeeAnn Whittemore
Former Digital Trends Contributor
LeeAnn Whittemore is a writer, artist, and graphic designer who grew up in the Midwest before moving to the Gulf Coast. As a…
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