Over the decades of its existence, the action movie has continued to evolve and change. In today’s blockbuster landscape, action movies are almost relentless, but that wasn’t always the case. The modern action movie first emerged in full force in the 1980s, when everything was bigger, including both the car chases and the explosions. We all know that Netflix has an excellent selection of action movies that span decades throughout the genre’s long history.
When it comes to ’80s movies, though, what kind of films does Netflix have available? There are a number of great 1980s action movies that you can watch on Netflix, including the titles below. Across these six titles, we have a wide array of different types of action movies to choose from. Some are much more political and historical, while others are based purely in fantasy or in some heightened version of reality. We also have an excellent combination of fun, light movies and heavier, darker material. Whatever type of ’80s action movie you’re looking for, though, you’re almost guaranteed to find it among these selections. These are the best ’80s action movies on Netflix.