Look, every podcast thinks it’s a comedy podcast, just like everybody thinks they’re sort of funny. All too often, though, I’ll come across podcasts that are riddled with overdone jokes and feigned laughter for the sake of presenting a good time. But sometimes, at it’s best, a funny podcast can provide the deepest kind of laughter I have in me.
Comedy podcasts come in all different shapes and sizes, too. Some of the best podcasts are good with improv, some are good with sketch, and some have hosts who are just generally genuinely funny people and are able to make every interview of-the-cuff hilarious. Here are some of our favorites.
Comedy Bang Bang 
An OG comedy podcast, Scott Aukerman’s Comedy Bang Bang is a hilarious, off-the-cuff riot. All of your favorite comedians are regulars on the show, as well as some of the best names in improvisation you may not know yet.
ListenThe Sketch Factor 
Much like Comedy Bang Bang, this Spotify original brings together some of the funniest people in the industry around Fred Armisen. The Portlanda creator’s subtle, mundane sense of humor shines in this sketch podcast.
ListenDewy Dudes 
The “scum-bro skincare” podcast is back after a short hiatus last year. The Dewy Dudes satisfy a few different niches at once: Interesting discussions about popular culture, interviews with fun people, and obsessions with how to take care of yourself and your skin.
ListenThrowing Fits 
If clothes are more of your vice, you’ve probably already heard of Throwing Fits. Jimmy and Larry present “the only podcast that matters” with sprawling and hilarious interviews every kind of jawnz enthusiast on the planet. It’s required reading for every man today.
ListenReview Revue 
A personal favorite of mine from Headgum. Comedians Geoffrey James and Reilly Anspaugh take the most ridiculous Yelp reviews they can find on the internet and spin a sketch from them right on the spot.
ListenThe Daily Zeitgeist 
It is awe-inspiring to consider the kind of work it takes to produce The Daily Zeitgeist. Every day, often with guests, Cracked co-founder Jack O’Brien delivers everything you need to know about popular culture, politics, and more “with a few laughs thrown in for free.”
ListenEntry Level 
Who can relate? Every week, Brooks Wheelan interviews different writers and comedians about the absolute worst jobs they’ve ever had. The stories are frustrating, for sure, but definitely funny every time.
ListenAll Fantasy Everything 
The funniest arguments are the passionate ones about the things that don’t matter, and that’s what All Fantasy Everything promises every week. It’s hard not to get involved yourself! What would you pick in 5 rounds of a fantasy draft of game shows? And how pissed would you be when someone steals Weakest Link as a last round sleeper? Ian Karmel hosts new comedians every episode in this fan favorite.
ListenHow Did This Get Made 
Actors, comedians, and friends Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas host this podcast about those special movies. You know the ones. The ones that are so bad that they somehow circle all the way back around and get good again.
ListenDear Hank & John 
There are all kinds of advice podcasts, or Q&A