Everyone knows and loves him as Hawkeye, but Jeremy Renner has been acting for decades in roles that didn’t require him to shoot a bow and arrow. This total package has been acting since the 90s, so there’s no shortage of flicks to pick from. Taking out his Marvel movies, these are a few of the best moments Jeremy has had on screen for when you’re in the mood for a Renner marathon starring this real-life superhero.
Dahmer (2002)
28 Weeks Later (2007)
S.W.A.T. (2003)
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
While The Town focused more on Ben Affleck for his roles as director, actor, and writer on the film, Jeremy himself definitely stole the show, grabbing nominations for Best Supporting Actor at pretty much every award show for that year. About a group of bank robbers and the fallout when they take the bank manager hostage, Renner’s portrayal as James “Jem” Coughlin in this crime drama is one you don’t want to miss.
The Town (2010)
As the first film ever to win a female director a Best Picture Academy Award, The Hurt Locker was phenomenal because of everyone involved, and Jeremy received much-deserved recognition for his part. Renner got to work with his future Avengers buddy Anthony Mackie in the film while portraying Sergeant First Class William James in the war thriller. Renner learned how to wear a bomb suit and to diffuse bombs for the part, so you could say he truly puts in the work for the characters he portrays, part of what makes him so captivating on screen.
The Hurt Locker (2008)
Wind River (2017)
American Hustle (2013)
We always see Jeremey Renner in serious roles, fighting crime, being the bad guy, or other type of action role. So, it was a bit of fresh air to see him as Jerry Pierce in the comedy Tag, alongside an outstanding cast of Jon Hamm, Jake Johnson, Ed Helms, Hannibal Buress, Annabelle Wallis, Leslie Bibb, Isla Fisher, and Rashida Jones, in a comedy about a group of friends who played tag for 28 years. Of all the movies to get hurt on, Renner injured himself performing a stunt two different times, and had to finish filming wearing a cast. We’ll have to wait and see if he’ll want to join in on the sequel.
Tag (2018)
Arrival (2016)
While the younger population may only know him as an Avenger, the rest of us know that Jeremy Renner’s extensive resume consists of much more than being a master archer. From a makeup artist in his early days to a musician more recently, Renner is a man of multiple talents. The next time you want to watch some of those skills on screen, pick a few of these movies and make a weekend out of it.