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Fitness Blender Workouts are like Exercising with Your Friends

Most men report to the mirror at least twice a day, in the morning and at night, if for no other reason than habit. And for most, that trip doesn’t include meeting eyes with someone who looks like Billy Blanks. Talking about body image is about as fun as discussing Federal tax code, but it’s hard to escape that most of us either would rather be in better shape or would at least like to keep whatever shape we’ve managed thus far.

One Youtube exercise series has become increasingly popular for its low-stress, high-return approach to working out. Using little equipment or space, Fitness Blender workouts can make the difference in your health routine.

Fitness Blender
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Daniel and Kelli Segar (husband and wife) founded Fitness Blender in 2008 after several years of working in the fitness industry as personal trainers. Today, Fitness Blender is an online health
and wellness community featuring a Youtube series with over 3.5 million subscribers, lifestyle guides, and community forums, and it has always taken an approachable, even welcoming, tone in the conversation on exercise and healthy eating.

What’s grown into a large and active community is still based in humble roots: Daniel and Kelly film every video in a walled-in garage, while a spare bedroom in their home functions as an office. They don’t offer a patented Exercise System, or Proprietary Crash Diet. Instead, they focus on health-centered exercises and rounded diets that use widely available knowledge.

But what makes the Fitness Blender workout videos so special is precisely this lack of pretense. These are people you see in your world, people who attend parent-teacher conferences or go to malls, people who drink beer and eat the food that’s put in front of them at restaurants. And that’s their exact appeal: they’re the type of people who might take you to the gym if they worked in your office.

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Their videos range from kickboxing routines, to nearly impossible ab workouts, to HIIT workouts (high intensity interval training), which would make an Olympian cry for mercy. Kelly and Daniel take turns hosting the videos (sometimes hosting them together) and they talk you through each exercise as it’s performed. They suffer just as much as you do, possibly more, considering that they have to keep talking the entire time.

Fitness Blender
Image used with permission by copyright holder

When you complete a video, it ends with a white screen which says simply “Workout Complete.” Your body relaxes, your mind goes to rest, and you feel the purest rush of endorphins or runner’s high or whatever you want to call it, that you’ve ever felt in your life. Whatever your personal goals for working out happen to be, this stuff is effective. Give it a try and feel the results. 

Zach Middleton
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Zach Middleton is a writer and reporter based out of the University Park neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. He's covered tiny…
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