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The latest ‘Game of Thrones’ spin-off could be set even earlier than ‘House of the Dragon’

The new series is set even earlier than House of the Dragon.

Matt Smith starring in House of the Dragon
Political intrigue awaits in House of the Dragon season 3 Ollie Upton / Warner Bros. Discovery

HBO is going to mine the Game of Thrones universe for everything it can. Following the conclusion of the original show, they almost immediately went into production on House of the Dragon, which is set hundreds of years before the original series, and tells the story of a Targaryen civil war. On top of House of the Dragon, HBO also has A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight coming in 2025, and now, we’ve got an update on another show set in the world of Westeros.

HBO has not officially greenlighted Aegon’s Conquest, but the series is currently in the works with writer Mattson Tomlin taking on a draft. This show would be set even earlier in the Game of Thrones timeline and would focus on Aegon the Conqueror, the Targaryen king who conquered Westeros with the help of his two sister-wives, Visenya and Rhaenys. His conquest is covered in detail in George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood, and Tomlin was recently asked about adapting that piece of the book to the screen in an interview with Nexus Point News.

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“It starts with what George R.R. Martin has done. I’ve now gotten to spend quite a bit of time with him … going through ‘Fire & Blood’, highlighting passages, and asking him, What did this mean? What is this? What I think it is … Sometimes really grilling him. It’s really taking that text and treating it like it’s real history … my approach to it was [that] Fire & Blood is written like a real history and these things happened … but we don’t know everything … Also, there’s that great quote … ‘History is written by the people who won’ … so then there’s that as well,” he explained.

While Aegon’s Conquest is far from a sure thing, the prospect of this sliver of the story being adapted is certainly exciting for fans of the world, as long as it’s done well.

Joe Allen
Joe Allen is a freelance culture writer based in upstate New York. His work has been published in The Washington Post, The…
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