Moleskine and Livescribe (the only smart pen on the market that syncs handwritten notes with recorded audio) are partnering up to help all you writers out there get your notes and such onto your mobile devices and computers.
Introducing the Livescribe Notebook by Moleskine. All you have to do is tap on a handwritten sentence with your Livescribe pen, which listens to the words that were spoken at the time the sentence was being written.
Livescribe smartpens store records of written text (or sketches for all you rebellious students out there) in the body of the pen. The pen actually has a tiny camera in the barrel which records lines of ink and then uploads them to a mobile device, or the cloud. Although, considering the recent news, we’re not sure we really want to store anything in a cloud right now – maybe we’ll just stick to an external hard drive. Regardless, this awesome little device also records time stamped audio taken from when the sentence was created.
Iconic design combined with innovative technology equals futuristic note taking. This makes us wish we were back in class writing long essays by hand (not really though).
Pick up your Livescribe Notebook, as well as other great Moleskine products at the company’s website.