The Terrifier franchise started as a fairly small, independent horror series, but each subsequent installment seems to bring new fans with it. Damien Leone is the writer and director behind the whole series, and after some impressive box office returns for Terrifier 3‘s opening weekend, many are naturally wondering how many more films this franchise could contain.
In a recent interview with Variety, Leone said that he doesn’t have a definitive plan for the franchise’s future yet. “There is no definitive answer at this time regarding how many more films I will make before concluding the ‘Terrifier’ saga. Personally, I can’t see it going further than one or two more films, but only time will tell,” he said. “For now, all I can say with certainty is that I know how it ends, and it will be epic.”
The third entry earned $18.3 million during its first weekend and stars David Howard Thornton as Art the Clown, a killer who terrorizes people during the Christmas season.
While it seems like Terrifier 4 might mark the end of the road, it’s clear that Leone is intent on making the film, and it seems like the box office returns mean that he’ll be given that chance. In a previous interview with Variety, Leone teased that the franchise’s conclusion would certainly live up to what the franchise had done thus far.
“It will certainly be an epic showdown, an epic closure to this Art the Clown saga,” he said. “The idea I’m toying with in my head would probably be in some regards the most experimental, so I can’t dive into it too much. Some really, really crazy things will happen in the next one.”