Although it might not be as renowned as other brands, adidas has come a long way in terms of its trail-running footwear offering. Made for the most adverse conditions, the newest adidas trail-running shoe is built for those who like to push the limits but still appreciate the best footwear technology. While these new trail sneakers are made to be worn on the trails, their sleek and neutral appearance makes them ideal for urban strolls or heavy walking days. Made with adidas’ performance standards, the newest trail-running shoe is another step forward for the Three Stripes brand, which has recently been known more for its lifestyle sneakers than athletic footwear. Despite the subtle nature of these shoes, hikers and athletic fans alike are bound to enjoy one of adidas’ most rugged releases.
Adidas’ Terrex Agravic GORE-TEX Trail shoe
Available in two neutral and earthy color combinations, the latest of adidas’ trail shoe offerings is made for the trails. Crafted with a waterproof and breathable GORE-TEX membrane, this sneaker is made to keep your feet warm and protected from the elements. While mesh uppers with TPU overlays offer a comfortable experience, abrasion-resistant features keep you sealed from rough terrain. For improved stability and cushioning, the Terrex Agravic shoe has a Lightstrike 2.0 midsole, providing flexibility, motion, and balance. The Continental outsole with 4mm lugged tread ensures users can trek and explore any type of setting with ease. Available via adidas’ website for $160, this Terrex Agravic sneaker is more than just your run-of-the-mill trail shoe. With a sleek and smooth silhouette, this sneaker can easily become your favorite go-to athleisure pick that melds comfort with style.