Every man loves a fun pair of pajama pants and printed underwear. He may not want to admit it, but it’s a fact.
And that’s totally cool. Who doesn’t love lounging around with penguins, doughnuts, or bacon strips playfully dotting his legs? Only the heartless who were never boys growing up, that’s who.
So, to honor the little boy that’s still inside you somewhere, we partnered up with menswear brand Original Penguin to put a little pizzazz in your pajama pants. Getting its start in the 50s and 60s, Original Penguin has been worn by some of the coolest men of the past six decades. From Frank Sinatra to Arnold Palmer to Clint Eastwood and Brad Pitt, OP’s polos have covered the backs of some of the finest actors, along with modern musical acts like Vampire Weekend and the Arctic Monkeys.
Five lucky winners will receive a fun pair of pants and underwear from Original Penguin. The cost? A a few seconds worth of typing and clicking. Simply sign up at the bottom of the page for the prizes below.
Steak and Eggs Flannel Pant – $39
It might not be as good as getting steak and eggs for breakfast in bed, but wearing them on your pants is a close second.
Casette Box Briefs – $24
For those of you too young to know, those are cassette tapes featured on this underwear. They were previously used to play music. You may have seen one of their players in an old car. Think of it as the MP3 of the 80s and 90s. For those of you old enough to know, let these babies bring back fond memories of making mix tapes.
TM Giveaway: Original Penguin