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Go Westerlind, Young Man

Talk about the ultimate site to shop some well curated indie brands. Think of it as the intersection where technical outdoor gear and apparel meet a style-minded store. The brands showcased are known for their forward-thinking design, functionality and style including: Jungmaven, Makr, Scout, Stutterhheim and Aigle. The sites approach is to inspire through a thoughtful offering and a left-of-center attitude.

This place harkens back to a general store, where you could find just about anything: unique teas, tents, liquid and bar soap, cabin spray, wool blankets, headlamps, hip flasks, and of course, hatchets and axes. From outerwear, to shirts and sweaters for layering in the upcoming colder weather, to great pants to all-utilitarian bags, you can find almost everything here.  Their point of view is definitely laid-back cool combined with function.

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One interesting addition to the usual site is that you can opt to shop by your favorite activities: Camp, Hike, Travel, Sail and City.

The urban nomad and uber-outdoor enthusiast might tap into Westerland equally. The Manual thinks that no matter you’re hunting for, this is one solid place to start.

Click here to explore everything that is Westerlind

Tom Handley
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Tom Handley is a contributor for TheManual. As a professor of public relations and social media strategy at Parsons The New…
New Aston Martin-inspired Girard-Perregaux watch boasts color-changing dial
An Aston Martin in a 42 mm casing
Girard Perregaux Laureato Chronograph Aston Martin Edition

Every single detail in an Aston Martin sports car, from the shape to the exhaust sound, evokes some positive emotions—this new watch is the embodiment of that.

Featuring a 42 mm casing, the Girard-Perregaux Laureato Chronograph Aston Martin Edition has a striking green dial—a color that easily captures attention and, with the high-quality finish, immerses you into a whole new world. Aston Martin’s first few cars had a green hue, so this new timepiece passes down the heritage.

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Authentic Roz explores the human experience in New York Fashion Week debut
Finding the balance between fitting in and standing out with Authentic Roz
Authentic Roz look 3

Walking through New York Fashion Week presentations and showrooms, you start to get a feel of what most brands and designers are used to working with. There are hot buzzwords. Inspiration and creativity seem to be center stage in most runway shows and showrooms. However, as I made my way up North from Madison Square Park to The Prince George Ballroom in the Flatiron District, I found myself in a different sort of environment, the kind where the designer of the collection about to walk down the runway also served as the DJ. From the clothes to the tunes to the ideology, Rayan Alami had a hand in every aspect of his New York Fashion Week debut. After seeing designer after designer with the same philosophies throughout New York, Alami embodied the name of his debut collection at Fashion Week, "I am Different."
Using music and culture to blend a unique style

New York Fashion Week is essentially an opportunity to blend art and fashion into one and tell a story through sartorial expression. While designers find inspiration in all walks of life, Alami uses his multicultured heritage and his love of music to blend a style truly unique in the industry. When I sat down with him after his show, I asked how he brought culture to his work.

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Norqain expands the Freedom GMT collection with a new bronze watch
A new bronze Norqain watch
Norqain LE Freedom 60 GMT Bronze

Norqain emerged onto the watch scene in 2018, and has offered stylish timepieces like the Freedom 60 GMT collection. Every single timepiece that’s featured in the collection has a retro-like aesthetic that will take you back to the ‘60s. Now, though, there's a new offering: the Norqain Freedom 60 GMT 40mm Limited Edition.

The new Freedom GMT watch comes with a bronze dial that stands out thanks to the brown hue. And one of the most striking features is the 100m water-resistant brown casing, which is accentuated by a satin finish that makes the surface look a little bit shiny. Hour markers also have a bronze-like hue that complements the casing.

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