- 1. Ledbury’s October Days
- 2. Ledbury
- 3. Ledbury
- 4. Ledbury
- 5. Ledbury
Profiled earlier in February, Ledbury has become one of The Manual’s go-to destinations for great-looking and great-fitting shirts. The Richmond, VA-based company prides itself on thoughtful details such as lowering the second button-hole on a dress shirt so you can wear the top button undone and still look smart or offering a collar that doesn’t collapse under the weight of a lapel. If producing more than 300 styles a year weren’t enough, Ledbury is now offering the perfect winter shirt wardrobe. Beginning today, Ledbury will unveil one new shirt for each of the 31 days of October from its much anticipated winter shirt collection, aptly named for its assortment of cold-weather fabrics, including cotton cashmere, featherweight wool, butter-soft corduroy, brushed cotton, flannel, jersey and herringbone. See the campaign unfold daily by signing up for the company newsletter or by checking out www.ledbury.com.