Readers are cheap but as a result fantastically ugly. Still, for people who have trouble seeing small print (thanks, computers) but who don’t need a full prescription, this was the only option. LOOK OPTIC burst onto the scene with quality, stylish readers designed by industry veterans from places like Oliver Peoples.
LOOK OPTIC’s pairs are a bit more than you’d pay at your drugstore ($68/pair) but they last longer: made of lightweight materials that will never leave a dent in your nose and Italian springs that adjust to your handsome face. These are glasses you’ll be excited to wear and careful about keeping. Interestingly, they look nothing like traditional, end-of-your-nose readers. These are traditional designs with a sophisticated, modern twist. Choose from colors like yellow, grey, or red or opt for black or tortoise shell. Plus, if you find you do need a prescription at some point (again, thank you computers), you can just pop out the lens and use your LOOK OPTIC frames for the prescription lenses from your doctor. They offer a generous one-year warranty and if you should ever lose the felt case they come in, LOOK OPTIC will send you a new one for just the cost of shipping!
The company doesn’t just stop at making you look awesome while you read: they give 1% of their profits to Charity:Water, the non-profit started by former photojournalist Scott Harrison. Harrison saw firsthand the easily preventable, fatal results of contaminated water while working in Liberia. “I have known Scott [Harrison] for years,” LOOK OPTIC founder Andrew Leary says.
“And have been to Africa with him a few years ago. …Knowing unsafe water is the number one cause of preventable blindness, it was an easy choice. We are donating $10 per sale for the first 1,000 online sales, as well as 1% of all profits. Charity: water is very unique as 100% of all donations go towards projects (they raise the admin separately) and projects can be tracked using Google Earth.”
It’s easy to see LOOK OPTIC is a game changing company.