If you’re looking for handmade boots, work gloves, aprons, tool totes, socks, insoles, laces, work belts, or apparel, we have a great sale to share. After all, you can’t find handmade boots just anywhere these days, let alone with locally sourced materials from the great US of A. That’s what Nick’s Boots offers, right along with tough, built to last apparel, namely work boots. The brand is having its own Prime Day sale with a twist called the Grime Day sale. Nick’s has discounted nearly everything in its catalog, from the boots to belts and more — you’ll save up to 20% until it’s over, which is soon. We’ve covered Nick’s Boots before, but not like this. Good old-fashioned grease, gunk, grime, and a good work ethic apply here, oh and some hefty discounts, too.
Why you should shop the Nick’s Boots Grime Day sale
Discounts and steals, that’s why. Not to mention, these are some of the best American-made boots out there. Take the black leather Wood Butcher 7.5 EE low-seated boots (pictured above), normally $569 but on sale for $455. That is one good-looking pair of boots, but they’re also handcrafted to near perfection with durable materials. The same is true of the brand’s sleek leather belts, tough boot laces, additional boots, and apparel.
The work boots are waterproof and made to withstand the elements, ideal for ranchers, outdoors folk, off-grid living and beyond. Weathering or waterproofing boots is not easy. But in this case, you don’t have to worry about that because it’s already done for you when the boots arrive on your doorstep.
Until the end of July 17, expect to save up to 20% off everything in the Grime Day sale — a US-apparel sale to rival Amazon’s. There are some great deals in there, but don’t take our word for it; go have a look for yourself before it’s over. You can’t buy handmade boots like this just anywhere these days, certainly not with this quality and craftsmanship.