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The Pacmodo modular backpack takes sustainability to the next level

Pacmodo backpacks

Pacmodo has captured the attention of many with its promise of sustainability, adaptability, and style. In an exclusive interview with Pacmodo’s founder, David Ngene, we explored the inspiration behind the product, how this will change the way we think about backpacks and the overwhelming response to Pacmodo’s Kickstarter campaign.

Pacmodo is the solution to the million bags in your closet

David and Seb, founders of Pacmodo

Pacmodo’s design features a unique modular system that allows users to swap out individual components as needed. “The game-changer was separating the shoulder harness from the storage compartment,” Ngene writes in private communication. This feature enables users to extend the life of their backpack while adapting to different needs and styles.

“Traditional backpacks fall short,” Ngene notes, explaining how Pacmodo fills an unmet need for a product that balances practicality with sustainability and personal expression. Consumers are on the prowl for a stylish yet functional backpack that aligns with their values and lifestyle, and this modular system, where you can switch out the components, is exactly what adventurers of the slash generation need.

David Ngene’s idea for a modular backpack system was sparked by an incident close to home. “The moment came when I saw my neighbor throwing away several gently used backpacks,” he explained. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ngene found himself cycling through different backpacks for various purposes, including using an old, worn-out one for rucking. When he noticed the wasteful practice of discarding backpacks that were still in good condition, a new idea began to form.

“I realized this was a bigger problem than I had imagined,” he said. However, he knew that creating cheaper, disposable backpacks was not the solution. Instead, he envisioned a backpack that could evolve with the user, minimizing waste while offering flexibility and personalization.

Pacmodo takes a sustainable approach

What's inside a Pacmodo backpack?

Pacmodo’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond the use of recycled materials. According to Ngene, the company emphasizes reducing and reusing over merely recycling. “Every component is designed to last,” he said. Customers can return any part of the system they no longer need in exchange for credit, ensuring that nothing goes to waste.

The backpack also incorporates innovative technology, such as NFC (near-field communication) tags embedded in the PAC components. These tags track the product’s lifecycle, from production to disposal, while eliminating the need for printed labels and tags. “It’s a small addition, but it adds a lot of value,” Ngene noted.

Pacmodo’s success in various competitions has further validated the product’s potential. “Being selected to participate in PitchBlack gave us the validation and momentum we needed to keep pushing forward,” Ngene said. The company’s recent acceptance into Pharrell Williams’ Black Ambition Prize has brought additional attention and support.

These accolades have also been a critical source of feedback, helping Pacmodo refine its design and business strategy. “These competitions push you to put your ideas out there, even when they’re still in the early stages,” Ngene remarked.

Pacmodo’s Kickstarter campaign has exceeded expectations, gaining significant traction despite limited marketing. “We approached Kickstarter as a way to test the waters,” Ngene explained.

Internally dubbed the “PACs on Backs” campaign, the goal is to finance a small production run and get the product into as many hands as possible. Ngene believes that the real growth will come once users experience Pacmodo firsthand. “That’s what will help us grow,” he said.

“We set a modest goal because we genuinely thought it would take the full 30 days to reach it.” To his surprise, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, proving that there’s a huge demand for this kind of product. At this time, the kickstarter has raised over $20,000, which is double the original goal.

Pacmodo plans to begin production in phases, with the first run aimed at fulfilling Kickstarter orders by February 2025. The company will then scale up with a larger production run by mid-2025, hoping to launch the full backpack system in the latter half of the year.

For those eager to support Pacmodo’s journey, Ngene encourages people to back their Kickstarter campaign. Additionally, Pacmodo is preparing to launch a seed round of fundraising to accelerate their growth. “Access to capital will help us expand our product offerings and marketing efforts,” Ngene explained.

With its innovative design, commitment to sustainability, and strong public interest, Pacmodo is poised to revolutionize the way we think about backpacks.

If you’re a modern, dynamic individual who values adaptability, creativity, and sustainability, this is the “Pac” for you. With Pacmodo, you will be able to simplify your carrying system while looking stylish as you juggle multiple roles. As adventurers, we eagerly await future updates from Pacmodo.

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Sarah Joseph
Sarah is a lover of all things outdoors. With a bright sense of adventure and a heart for the mountains, she is always…
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