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This 15-minute home workout routine targets your core, glutes, and thighs in four moves

Don't have time to go to the gym? Here's the solution

Profile view of a young and fit man doing kneeling lunges with a pair of dumbbells at home
AntonioDiaz / Adobe Stock

Getting the right workout combination in a limited amount of time is challenging. It can be time-consuming to get everything fit, especially when you’re looking to exercise multiple areas of the body. Quick at-home workouts can often target only one area at a time, proving difficult to get a well-rounded fitness routine down quickly. However, thanks to the power of social media, it’s easy to get all the significant areas in one quick 15-minute routine. 

In an Instagram video, fitness creator Sadielee Thomas showcases four quick exercises that require very little equipment but will still give your core, glutes, and thighs enough of a workout to count. Since you only need 15 minutes to complete this workout, you can take this routine home or whenever you’re traveling. With no need for excess space, you can do this in the comfort of a hotel room or bedroom. Between the various hidden lunges and butt exercises sprinkled throughout the routine, you can be certain your glute muscles will get quite the exercise in just 15 minutes. 

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15-minute at-home workout

Complete each exercise for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds for five rounds without breaks. For those with a little more time, add a few extra rounds or increase your time for each exercise to get in a little longer of a workout. 

Inner leg thigh raises while lying on your side

While lying down on one side, lift the leg closest to the ground while extending your outside arm towards the lifted leg. Make sure to alternate between sides. 

Dumbell rows with leg raises

While in a kneeled plank position, hold a dumbbell in one hand and raise it into a row position. At the same time, lift the contrasting leg into a lift. Repeat on the other side.

Weighted lunges to narrow lunge pulses

Grabbing a weight on both sides, alternate between a regular lunge and a narrow stance lunge. Alternate with a different leading leg to target both legs equally.

Lunge to single-leg deadlift

Once again, in a lunge position, go down into a regular lunge. When returning up, remain in a lunge position and go into a single-leg deadlift. Once more, alternate legs for equal coverage.

These quick and small exercises are enough for those with minimal time to work out the three main areas you want to target. While many core exercises, glute exercises, and thigh exercises require gym equipment, these four exercises only require dumbbells. Even if you don’t have dumbbells at your reach, you can use a variety of weighted household objects that can take its place. Anything from water bottles to canned goods can be a temporary dumbbell to get your workout session in.

Leslie Leon
Leslie is a Los Angeles-based writer and content creator. She is always researching and finding the latest fashion trends…
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