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Are marathons more or less popular these days? Let’s look at the data

Are more people boosting stamina by running marathons?

man running marathon headphones black t shirt outside
Szafran / Pexels

Running a marathon isn’t a walk in the park; it’s a feat of strength and endurance that requires training and perseverance. Marathons are like marmite; people tend to love them or hate them. When it comes to ultra-marathons, that’s another story. Are marathons and ultra-marathons more or less popular these days? Let’s look at recent data and the history of the marathon.

The data

marathon runners legs on road
Tong-su-Z / Unsplash

New data shows that more people are boosting stamina by running marathons and ultra-marathons. Recently, Strava released the Year In Sport: Trend Report, identifying the leading trends and surges of 2024. The report combines billions of unique activity data from the global community of over 135 million people, along with insights from a randomized, global survey of over 5,000 people.

The data revealed:

  • A 9% increase in the number of marathons, ultra-marathons, and century rides.
  • 72% of running goals were met, showing that steadfast runners remain dedicated to finishing the race and crossing the next milestone.
  • Runners training for marathons incorporated more rest and active recovery days in their workout schedule. 51% of days in the 16 weeks before the race were rest days.
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This data shows more people are interested in leveling up their fitness by setting off on foot and powering through those 26.2 miles or more. It also highlights that runners are staying committed to achieving their goals while also prioritizing rest and recovery, which is key for optimal performance.

How long is a marathon?

Marathon race
Tookapic / Pixabay

A full marathon is 26.2 miles, and a half marathon is 13.1 miles. In 2023, the average running time for men was 4 hours and 14 minutes. How long it takes you to run a marathon depends on several factors, including your fitness level and age. Elite marathoners can cross the finish line in a little over 2 hours, whereas some other people take up to 8 hours or longer.

An ultra-marathon refers to any race that’s longer than the distance of the standard marathon at 26.2 miles.

The history of the marathon

unning a half marathon runners
Runffwpu / Pexels

People were running these long distances around 2,500 years ago in the city of Marathon, Greece, hence the name. If you’re wondering why a marathon is 26.2 miles, the story goes that during the 1908 Olympic Games held in England, Queen Alexandra insisted the marathon race begin on the lawn of Windsor in Berkshire and finish in front of the royal box at the Olympic Stadium in London. This distance was exactly 26.2 miles, and the standard marathon distance was born.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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