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How to do back extensions: Pro tips from a personal trainer

Back extensions are a low-impact exercise that can be done with or without equipment

man using back extension machine
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Back exercises aren’t just for bodybuilders or powerlifters—they’re a must for anyone who wants to improve their overall strength, stability, and posture.

Back extensions are versatile enough to be included in any workout routine, whether your goal is to build muscle, get “swole,” or just make daily tasks easier.

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Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to properly perform a back extension exercise.

What is a back extension?

man performing back extension on roman chair
Canva Pro

A back extension, sometimes called hyperextension, is an isolation exercise that targets the posterior chain—the muscles along the back of your body, including your erector spine (lower back muscles), glutes, hamstrings, and even your core.

What are back extensions good for?

You might not think about your back muscles while working out (or ever, really), but strengthening them can help you improve your posture, flexibility, and stamina. It can also help with day-to-day tasks like bending down to lift groceries or tying your shoes.

“Back extensions are a great way to strengthen the lower back,” Marshall Webber, certified personal trainer and owner of Jack City Fitness, tells The Manual. “This, in turn, helps to improve posture and reduce the amount of back pain one might experience.”

Do back extensions hit glutes?

If you’re looking for a new way to target your glutes, back extensions can be a great option, depending on your goals and how you perform them.

“Back extensions work to activate the core, which includes the glutes, lower back, and hamstrings,” says Webber.

Is back extension good for abs?

While back extensions are mainly for your posterior chain, they can also engage your core muscles.

“Back extensions mainly target the lower back; however, as previously mentioned, the entire core is activated and worked through this exercise,” says Webber. “So they can definitely help your abs in the process.”

How to do a back extension

man using a back extension machine
Canva Pro

Back extensions can be performed on specialized equipment, often referred to as a back extension machine or Roman chair, or with simple bodyweight variations.

Here’s a breakdown of the basic steps, along with tips from fitness expert Webber:

  1. Lie face down on a back extension bench (sometimes called a back extension machine).
  2. Hook the feet under the provided anchor points on the bench; often, these are foot pads.
  3. Cross arms over chest, and slowly lower the upper body towards the floor. This will leave you bending at the waist.
  4. Lift the torso back up until the body is straight.
  5. Hold for a few seconds (contract) and then release back towards the floor.

“There are two main types of variations that I would encourage individuals to explore,” Webber adds.

  • Body weight variation (Superman): Lie face down on the floor and lift your arms and legs at the same time. Hold or contract the muscles for a few seconds, and then release and lower back to the floor.
  • Weighted: On the back extension bench, hold a weight (plate, dumbbell, or kettlebell) to your chest.

Can you do back extensions without a machine?

man doing lower back extension workout
Maridav / Shutterstock

Yes, back extensions are a low-impact exercise that can be done with or without equipment. The most popular body-weight variation, the “Superman,” is a great way to build strength and stability in your lower back and glutes.

According to Webber, the Superman is the go-to move for beginners, but if you’re ready to level up, try these equipment-free variations:

  • Stability ball back extension: Lie face down on a stability ball and raise your upper body, keeping your core engaged.
  • Reverse hyperextension: Lie face down on a bench with your hips at the edge and raise your legs.
  • Bird Dog: Start on all fours and extend one arm and the opposite leg.
  • Glute Bridge: Lie on your back with your knees bent, and raise your hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line.

Safety tips and things to avoid

“If you’re new to back extensions, starting without weights on the floor is the safest way to start waking up the back and core muscles properly,” says Webber.

Warming up with cardio and dynamic stretches targeting the back and core can prepare your muscles and reduce the risk of injury. If you’re using a weight, keep it light, especially when you’re first starting out.

Webber also advises avoiding these common mistakes:

  • Jerky motions; instead, focus on slow, controlled movements and contractions.
  • Arching too much or rounding the back. “Attention should be given to the straight line in the body upon arriving at the top of the move,” he adds.
  • Adding too much weight too soon.

If you’ve had prior back injuries or medical issues, consult your doctor or physical therapist before attempting back extensions.

Tabitha Britt
Tabitha Britt is a freelance writer, editor, SEO & content strategist.
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