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How to lose a beer belly: Simple strategies for success

Discover the causes and how to get rid of it

Man with overweight and big fat belly in jeans and shirt
Dmytro Flisak / Adobe Stock

Kicking back with a cold beer after a long day feels amazing, but if you’re starting to show a beer belly, you might be worried. Can you still drink beer? What actually causes beer belly? And how can you get rid of it?

In this article, we’ll share some useful tips for getting rid of beer belly, explain where it comes from, and discuss how bad it could be to keep drinking beer. All your most pressing questions about beer belly will be answered, so let’s get started!

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What is beer belly?

Man holding his stomach
SUPERMAO / Shutterstock

A beer belly is just a noticeably large belly area usually associated with beer drinking. It can be smaller or bigger, and it might come with fat in other areas (like arms or legs) or might not.

Beer bellies are also associated with older men, which may just be a stereotype. However, one possible cause of beer belly, phytoestrogen, does affect mostly men. Older men also usually have a slower metabolism, which makes them less able to handle average amounts of food (or beer).

What causes beer belly?

Porter beer in a glass
Impact Photography / Shutterstock

Scientists don’t know the exact causes of beer belly yet. There are a few possibilities. First, beer usually has a lot of calories, although there are some good low-calorie beer options. Drinking beer also often goes along with eating junk food, and alcohol can lower your self-control, leading to eating more snacks.

However, neither of these completely explains the beer belly effect. The problem is that fat stores aren’t localized. You can’t lose weight in just one targeted area, and you’re not likely to gain weight in only one area. It would be very difficult for calories to target only your gut just because those calories happened to come from beer.

The most likely current theory is that it may be caused by compounds found in beer called phytoestrogens. These plant chemicals can affect hormones and, in men, can cause weight gain around the stomach. However, most studies suggest that the concentration of phytoestrogens found in beer isn’t enough to explain beer belly, so the cause of beer belly is still mostly uncertain.

Is beer belly fat or bloating?

Group of friends doing football tailgating.
Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock

There can be some bloating after drinking beer. Alcohol is dehydrating, so it can change the way water is distributed in your body, potentially increasing your water weight. The carbonation can also cause bloating feelings. However, a large beer belly is usually caused by fat stores.

Does a beer belly mean you’re unhealthy?

Oktoberfest beer

A beer belly doesn’t guarantee that you’re unhealthy. However, having more fat is generally less healthy. It can increase all the risks that are caused by obesity, like heart disease and diabetes.

Health isn’t an all-or-nothing thing; you’re not absolutely healthy or absolutely unhealthy. You can be relatively healthy with a beer belly or relatively unhealthy without one. However, a beer belly definitely contributes to worse health.

Tips for getting rid of a beer belly

man sleeping

Choose different beverages

Wine usually has fewer calories than beer and might be a better choice for getting rid of a beer belly. You can also try lower-calorie beers and drink fewer beers and less often.

Get more exercise

Exercise is the most common method of losing fat. It’s the simple calories in, calories out equation: if you burn more calories than you take in, you’re guaranteed to lose weight as long as you don’t have certain medical conditions. Increasing your exercise routine can help you lose a beer belly.

Get enough sleep

Proper sleep can actually help you lose weight by giving you more energy, helping you maintain the willpower not to eat too many calories, and even burning fat while you sleep. Make sure you sleep in a dark room and don’t use screens too soon before bed. You can also try a sleep supplement if you’re having difficulty with sleeping.

Eat well

Eating a healthy diet will help you lose or avoid a beer belly. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and whole foods, which will give you the required nutrients, increase your energy, and reduce cravings.

Frequently asked questions

Man doing yoga plank pose at home on blue yoga mat on a wooden floor
Klaus Nielsen / Pexels

How long does a beer belly last?

That depends on your lifestyle. If you continue drinking the same amount of beer that created your beer belly, it might never go away. If you make lifestyle changes to lose weight, it can shrink and disappear over time.

Will two beers a night make me fat?

Two beers a night won’t necessarily make you fat, but they can easily contribute to unwanted weight gain. Check the calories on the label; it’s easy to unknowingly drink more calories than you would choose to eat.

What exercise burns the most belly fat?

Exercises can’t specifically target only belly fat. However, core exercises like crunches and planks can build up your abs and improve definition in your core and stomach area, which can make the fat less noticeable.

Christine VanDoren
Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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