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Why are runners everywhere doing a gait analysis? What are the benefits?

A gait analysis doesn't just help you pick out the best running shoes

legs running on track.
Olly / Pexels

A gait analysis isn’t just for beginners and those looking to buy their first pair of running shoes; more runners everywhere are using it as a tool to expand their running abilities and improve speed and performance. A gait analysis can be valuable for beginners and experienced runners alike. Runners frequently adjust training methods to boost performance; a gait analysis could be a key component you’re missing.

What is a gait analysis?

man running on treadmill
Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

A gait analysis is a way of examining your running gait, which refers to the movements or motions that make up your running technique. All running styles are different, but if you have a bad technique, you’re more likely to get injured, and your speed could be hampered.

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In other words, a gait analysis is a comprehensive evaluation of how you move while running, using the eyes and brain of the observers and often involving high-speed cameras and force plates to measure your muscle activity, body mechanics, and the movements of your joints. 

How does it work?

gait analysis treadmill test
Yiistocking / Shutterstock

A gait analysis allows you to pinpoint abnormalities or inefficiencies in your gait pattern to optimize movement for athletic performance. You can go to a biomechanics lab or visit a running-focused podiatrist. Many running stores like Runner’s Need offer a 30-minute gait analysis service to help you determine the best running shoes. You can discuss any previous injuries and your future running goals.

Typically, you’ll walk on a treadmill being filmed by multiple cameras and tracked by sensors.

You can analyze your: 

  • Step length
  • Stride length
  • Cycle time
  • Joint angles
  • Cadence
  • Knee flexion
  • Hip rotation
  • Foot contact patterns
  • Timing and sequence of muscle activation

What are the benefits of a gait analysis?

man running marathon headphones black t shirt outside
Szafran / Pexels

A gait analysis is useful for people with joint pain and those looking to improve their running abilities. Here are some of the many benefits:

  • You can track your progress over time by comparing your previous results.
  • Identify potential biomechanical issues with your technique that you can address with strength and conditioning. Knowing where the issues are allows you to change your technique to reduce your risk of injury.
  • Overcome a plateau and assess where to improve your technique and strengthen weak points. For example, you could have a slight imbalance during the ground contact phase of running when your foot lands on the ground. If your foot veers slightly to one side, it could be overcompensating for the other side and suggest weakness in the hip adductors or glutes. 
  • Find the best running shoes for your foot strike by getting a gait analysis at a dedicated running store.
Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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