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5 of the Best Plyometric Exercises for Beginners

men doing plyometric exercises.

If you routinely head to the gym and warm up with some low-impact exercise and then hit the weights, or maybe you’re a runner, cyclist, or if you are a hiker and tend to head into the great outdoors for your workout, your workout routine may be missing a highly effective form of exercise, one that can develop speed, power, and strength while helping prevent future injuries—plyometrics.

Plyometric training involves explosive jumping, bounding, and other exercises that require rapid force production. Oftentimes, plyometric exercises are overlooked by recreational athletes, endurance athletes, and guys just looking to work out enough to stay relatively fit, but sprinkling in plyometrics into your workout routine can provide a range of unique fitness and health benefits that no amount of standard strength training exercises or cardio can replicate.

Plyometric exercises can look intimidating, but there are several plyometrics that are fairly easy to master and are safe and appropriate for beginners. Moreover, the training time you need to invest in plyometrics is minimal because they are quick, explosive moves and you only need to perform a few plyometric exercises a week to become a fitter and stronger athlete. Keep reading for our beginner’s guide to plyometric training to help you get started jumping, bounding, and skipping your way to better fitness.

What Are Plyometric Exercises?

legs doing box jump.Plyometrics are high-impact, explosive exercises that require rapid force generation. Examples include box jumps, burpees, depth jumps, and vigorous bounding. Plyometric training conditions your muscles, bones, connective tissues along with your neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems.

The benefits of plyometrics include increased power, muscle building, improving balance and coordination, and much much more. Plyometric exercises provide a different training stimulus to your musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems than other forms of resistance training and are certainly quite different than aerobic training.

Plyometrics Safety and Contraindications

Man about to do box jump.

Plyometrics can be safe and effective for most individuals regardless of fitness level or age. This is because the difficulty and intensity of your plyometric training can be modified by selecting easier or more challenging exercises and selecting an appropriate volume (frequency of performing plyometrics and number of sets and reps performed). For example, a young, fit, healthy athlete may be able to take on 2-3 sets of 10 weighted box jumps whereas an older, frailer individual could try 15 meters of gentle skipping or even vigorous marching in place, both of which can be considered to be plyometrics. That said, there are a few general contraindications to performing plyometrics such as fracture, acute or chronic injuries, sprains or strains, significant arthritis, or pain. Consult your physician, physical therapist, or trainer if you have concerns or any pain or discomfort when exercising in general prior to attempting plyometrics.

Furthermore, for safety and to reduce the risk of injury, it’s imperative to allow your body ample rest time between sets of plyometric exercises and gradually add these explosive exercises to your workout routine. In other words, don’t suddenly ramp up to vigorously jumping every day; take rest days and listen to your body as you introduce plyometrics into your exercise program.

How to Perform Plyometrics

man jumping.

Plyometrics are intended to be vigorous, explosive movements with maximal force generation. For this reason, they work very well in HIIT workouts. When performing plyometrics, remember that intensity is key; it’s better to do fewer reps and sets at a faster pace and higher intensity than to drag out a set into more of an endurance exercise. Jump your highest, explode your fastest, and push yourself with the mindset of “this is a sprint, not a marathon.”

Best Plyometric Exercises for Beginners

Chances are, you’ve already done one or more plyometric exercises in your past, perhaps unknowingly. There are plenty of variations and advanced progressions for these explosive moves, but we chose five of the best plyometrics for beginners and have described them below. Each of these exercises requires only your body weight, so you don’t even have to set foot in a gym to get a great, heart-pounding, muscle-strengthening workout.

Jump Squats

Jump squats are like regular squats except that a powerful vertical jump is added between each rep.

  1. Perform a squat by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, core engaged, chest up, back straight, and then bending your knees and sitting your butt back as if reaching to sit in a chair.
  2. Push through your heels and then your midfoot and toes to explode upward as high as you can jump, straightening your knees and hips and using your arms to power your body up.
  3. As soon as you land, bend your knees to cushion the landing, transitioning immediately into a full squat to begin the cycle again.
  4. Move rapidly and powerfully from rep to rep.


If you know how to do burpees, you know people have a love-hate relationship with them because they are quite challenging but give you a big fitness payoff for your efforts. Burpees are essentially a full push-up followed by a jump squat cycled continuously together. The jump squats component is what makes them a plyometric exercise. Here are the steps that go into a burpee:

  1. Perform a full squat as described above.
  2. Drop your hands to the ground in front of your body about shoulder-width apart.
  3. Shift your weight to your palms and jump your feet back behind you so that you’re in a proper push-up position with your weight on your hands and toes.
  4. Complete one full push-up by bending your elbows to 90 degrees and lowering your chest towards the ground (without touching it) and then pushing through your palms to raise your body back up until your elbows are extended by not locked out.
  5. Press into your palms and jump your feet forward towards your hands, springing your body up into the highest vertical jump, reaching up towards the ceiling.
  6. As soon as you land, bend your knees to cushion the landing, transitioning immediately into a full squat to begin the cycle again.

Box Jumps

man doing plyometric box jump.
Leon Ardho / Pexels

Box jumps work your quads, glutes, calves, hips, and hamstrings and will get your heart rate up. Choose a box that’s 8-10 inches high at first and progress to increasingly taller boxes.

  1. Stand facing the box with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your side, and knees bent slightly.
  2. Squat down and then use your arms to drive your body upward such that you land both feet on the box.
  3. Jump backward back down and repeat.

Plyometric Push-Ups

Plyometric exercises don’t have to be just for your lower body. This challenging push-up exercise requires you to create enough power to get both hands off the floor simultaneously so you can clap between reps. It’s a great move for developing power, strength, and speed in your arms and chest.

  1. Start in a standard push-up position with your core engaged your hips in line with your body such that you’re in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  2. Lower your body as you would with a normal push-up by bending your elbows and bringing your chest towards the floor.
  3. On the way up, press forcefully into the ground to propel your entire upper body and hands off the ground (your feet remain on the ground).
  4. Quickly clap your hands together under your chest and then get them back into position—shoulder-width apart—to catch you on your landing.
  5. Move continuously and rapidly into the next push-up by bending your elbows and dropping your chest towards the ground without fully touching it.


Bounding can be visualized as exaggerated skipping. You’ll want to strive for as much vertical height as you can with each skip.

  1. Use your arms and engage your core to skip forward and upward, springing from your calves.
  2. Reach towards the sky with each bound.
Amber Sayer
Former Digital Trends Contributor

Amber Sayer is a fitness, nutrition, and wellness writer and editor, and was previously a Fitness Editor at Byrdie. She contributes to Women's Running and freelances for various fitness blogs. As a certified personal trainer for 12 years, Amber enjoys staying active and helping others do so as well. In her free time, she likes running, cycling, cooking, and tackling any type of puzzle.

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Harlo is one of the best electrolyte drinks to stay hydrated, energized — try it free
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According to Harlo, a proper electrolyte drink or performance mix for working out goes beyond hydration. More specifically, the best electrolyte drink includes three major components: electrolytes for hydration, collagen — specifically bovine collagen — to support joint health, muscle recovery, and skin elasticity, and finally, creatine. The creatine works with the electrolytes to further enhance your hydration and boost muscle energy, mental clarity, and recovery. What's even better is when a drink also includes zero sugar, so you don't get a sugar overload from high amounts making you feel even more drained later.

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What makes Harlo one of the best electrolyte drinks and performance mixes?

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CAROL Bike: My family loves this exercise bike, it’s great for getting in shape
Man using CAROL Bike to get healthy and fit

Collectively, my family has made a conscious decision to be more healthy. We're not the best at keeping a healthy diet, fitting in regular exercise to our daily routine, or keeping everyone fit. Life gets in the way and you end up busy. From running errands to working late, it's just difficult to crunch in some healthy time. Maybe you don't have that problem? I digress. On our health and fitness journey, we've researched a ton of different options from full-scale exercise machines to ellipticals and rowing machines. Recently we settled on the CAROL Bike.

Billed as a REHIT exercise bike -- which stands for Reduced Exertion High-Intensity Interval Training -- this thing gets you whipped into shape fast. And when I say fast, I do mean fast. That's because it's designed to give you the shortest, most effective workouts via scientific principles. In other words, you get a better more effective workout in less time. In about five minutes, you get the equivalent of a 45-minute run. How crazy is that? A few things are going on behind the scenes that make this possible, but for now, I just want to say it's working wonders for my family and we love it. Plus, you can save $250 right now when you use code BLACKFRIDAY at checkout before November 30.
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So, what is the CAROL Bike?

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These all-in-one home gym machine deals from Major Fitness have us pumped
Stay in shape solo or with a friend, it's your choice.
Major Fitness home gym B52-family workout

Personally, one of my biggest issues with home gym options is that they can end up being pretty restrictive. Sure, they might come with a few workout options and add-ons to start, but what you buy upfront is what you get and then you're stuck with a huge machine you might not end up using as much. It's better to choose something tailored to your style of workouts and your routine. But even so, that may change over time as your fitness journey evolves. Enter Major Fitness, which not only offers a variety of all-in-one home gym machines but also carries a ton of extensions for that equipment, essentially adding a lot of modularity. Right now, there are two Major Fitness all-in-one home gym machine deals worth talking about, and we think you'll find them as exciting as we do:

Major Fitness All-In-One Home Gym Power Rack F22 -- from $880 $930
This multifunctional, all-in-one power rack will get you through all the basic power and mass-building workouts and beyond. You can order it with the rack alone, with a bench, barbell, or bumper plate sets, depending on how much you want available at the start. Of course, you can always add on later, including with additional attachments like shoulder, lat, and leg extensions. It's heavy-duty and made for long-term and steady usage, which is always a plus. More importantly, the independent dual pulley system allows for multiple people to work out at once without getting in the way of each other. For this deal, be sure to use code F22DEAL to get an extra $50 off starting at $880. Valid until October 31st.

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