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Can supersets shorten your gym time and fuel muscle growth? New study

What's the difference between supersets and traditional straight sets?

bicep curl lifting weights
Cesar Galeao / Pexels

If we can cut down our training time while still delivering results, I’d say that’s a win. This way, we can turn our attention to the many other tasks on our to-do lists without sacrificing gains. Mounting research confirms that performing supersets can shorten your training time while still boosting muscle size just the same as traditional straight sets.

A superset is a strength training technique where you perform one set of two different exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between. Supersets are considered a higher-intensity form of resistance training or strength training.

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If you still need to hear about more studies to convince you to give supersets a try, read on as we cover some of the latest research. Supersets are what many of the superheroes do, and the busy, sculpted actors that play them on the silver screen. 

The study

man standing next to barbell strong
Estudiopolaroid / Pexels

In a systematic review and meta-analysis published in Sports Medicine, researchers wanted to compare how supersets and traditional resistance training sets affected metabolic and mechanical results. Researchers looked at the different types of supersets in a meta-analysis involving 19 studies and 313 participants.

The results

man holding two dumbbells on bench
Bemistermister / Pexels

The researchers discovered that:

  • Supersets resulted in a higher blood lactate concentration during and following training.
  • Supersets significantly shortened the training time while still allowing participants to continue a similar total number of reps and volume compared to the traditional resistance training sets.
  • There were no significant differences between the traditional resistance training sets and the supersets with regard to maximal strength, hypertrophy, or endurance.
  • An antagonist superset refers to a superset where you work opposing muscle groups one after the other, such as pairing bicep and tricep exercises in one swoop. Antagonist supersets enabled participants to complete more reps, while the same muscle group supersets led to a reduced volume load compared to the traditional resistance training.

The take-home

man lifting barbell strong muscle
Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

The takehome is that shortening your training duration with supersets still builds the same muscle as traditional sets. In this meta-analysis, the researchers noted that supersets can enhance training efficiency, but they also induce higher internal loads and increased perceived exertion.

While supersets can make your workouts more efficient, you should also consider that they exert more metabolic stress on your body. People usually perceive supersets to be more difficult. This could mean that you need more time to recover after that superset. Some fitness professionals and powerlifters recommend incorporating both traditional resistance training sets and supersets into your routine for the optimal outcome.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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