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Creatine loading explained: Benefits, dosage, and results

Discover the details of this beneficial technique

Spilled creatine with a scoop spoon
Aleksander Saks / Unsplash

At this point, nearly everyone even remotely interested in fitness has heard of creatine. Many people have also heard of creatine loading, the process of taking very high doses of creatine for a short period of time to rapidly elevate creatine levels. But hearing about it can leave you with a lot of questions. Is it safe? How much creatine are we talking about? Is this just a sketchy idea passed around in fitness circles, or does the science back it up? 

We’re here to help you with those questions. Creatine is a surprisingly well-researched and well-documented substance, so the answers are verifiably scientific. We’ll discuss what creatine is, how creatine loading works, and the benefits and risks associated with it, so let’s dive in!

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What is creatine?

Creatine powder with some on table with a spoon
Aleksander Saks / Unsplash

Creatine is a compound commonly found in meat. It’s used in the production of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is like a tiny cellular battery that stores energy and releases it to your cells when it’s needed. Supplementing with extra creatine, therefore, can mean more energy stored and more energy available to your muscles. 

Many bodybuilders and athletes swear by creatine. Some studies have confirmed its effectiveness in increasing muscle strength and growth, among other properties. Creatine is a fundamental compound our bodies use, kind of like vitamins, and like vitamins, you can get great results out of supplementation if you aren’t getting enough in your diet.

What is creatine loading?

HowToGym / Unsplash

Creatine loading is a popular practice of taking in more than a usual dose of creatine for a short period of time to rapidly increase your creatine levels. After the short loading phase, users begin taking creatine at normal doses, which maintains the high levels.

During a creatine loading phase, you normally take 20 to 25 grams of creatine per day for five to seven days. This is usually broken up into four or five doses of 5 grams per day. After you finish, you take only a maintenance dose of 3 to 5 grams, which can be maintained indefinitely. You don’t need to load creatine again unless you’ve gone a long time without taking the maintenance dose.

Creatine loading can be effective, but it isn’t usually necessary. If you’re taking creatine for long periods, it will usually reach the same levels as it would with loading. Loading is mostly useful if you need the benefits extremely quickly. Professional athletes are sometimes in this situation, but the average person is unlikely to be.

Loading creatine is also more likely to result in side effects than ordinary use since the dose is so high, so it’s definitely not for everyone. If you’re worried about side effects, you can ramp up to the high dose, starting with more like 10 grams and gradually increasing. If you do this, make the “peak period,” when you’re taking 20 to 25 grams, shorter since you’ll be getting more creatine beforehand.

What are the loading doses for creatine?

Man drinking pre workout
Thurstan Hinrichsen / / Adobe Stock

A regular dose of creatine is 3 to 5 grams. A loading dose is usually between 20 and 25 grams, but this can vary depending on the person. This variation is partially related to body weight and composition, but it also depends on your diet. The major source of creatine in your diet is meat, so vegans and people who try to reduce their meat intake will need to load more creatine supplementation.

What are the benefits of creatine loading?

Man with strong back muscles

Muscle growth

Muscle growth is the most common benefit cited for creatine use in general and creatine loading in particular. A lot of studies have shown that creatine increases the effectiveness of workouts and contributes to muscle growth, according to a review, which couldn’t even cite all of the studies because there were too many.

Immune system health

This aspect of creatine supplementation has been studied less, but one small review suggests that creatine can improve the immune response and reduce inflammation. It’s not all that confident, and more research is certainly needed. For the moment, though, it seems we can say that creatine boosts the immune system, at least by a small amount, and as we move into cold and flu season, you might want to try creatine loading to quickly get your immune system up to speed.

Faster results

Of course, the point of creatine loading rather than regular creatine supplementation is to quickly raise the levels of creatine and get faster results. Creatine loading isn’t as studied as creatine itself, but there are a few studies that have shown creatine loading improved performance in cycling time trials.

Are there any side effects of creatine?

Man drinking water.
PNW Production / Pexels

Creatine is one of the most researched supplements on the market. Most studies find no side effects or almost none, so the evidence that it’s safe is extremely high. However, there are some side effects that can happen occasionally. 

Creatine can cause bloating, especially at first. This is more likely in creatine loading when you take large quantities of creatine all at once. The bloating will go away on its own, usually pretty quickly. There have also been some reports of digestive issues from creatine supplements, usually caused by taking too high a dose at once. Even if you’re loading, if you spread small doses throughout the day, you’re unlikely to have these problems. 

Creatine can be a risk for people with certain pre-existing conditions. It can shift the fluid balance in the body by causing cells to absorb more water, which can be dangerous to people who are sensitive to their fluid balance, such as diabetics. Creatine has not been shown to damage the kidneys or liver in healthy people, but it does affect their function, and people with existing liver or kidney damage should be careful.

Frequently asked questions

Creatine supplement.
SWOLY Supplements / Unsplash

Does creatine affect men and women differently?

Women are often differently affected by creatine supplements than men. They have much lower stores of creatine than men, and hormonal changes also vary the way they store creatine. Women’s supplements often have additional ingredients to help their bodies absorb the creatine.

How often should you take creatine?

During creatine loading, you should take four to five doses of creatine a day. This is one of the downsides of loading — it can be difficult and inconvenient to find four or five times to take a dose. When not loading, once per day is plenty.

Does creatine face bloat go away?

Yes, the bloating caused by creatine will go away quickly. If you’re worried about bloating, it might be better to take a small dose consistently, which will give you the same effect over time.

Christine VanDoren
Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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