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Does exercise sharpen your memory? How long do the benefits last? New research

Does working out the day before improve your memory the following day?

A man doing leg swings
Studio Romantic / Shutterstock

Most of us have forgotten where we put our phones or car keys or what we ate for dinner last night. We’ve walked into a room and wondered why we even walked in there in the first place. A sharper memory helps us retain the information we’ve learned and remember what’s important. We’re always hearing about this superfood or this special drink or supplement that can boost memory, and we wonder if there’s any merit to many of these claims. 

With all the benefits of exercise, from lowering blood pressure to perking up your mood, researchers wanted to explore if exercise could boost memory and how long these benefits last. If working out is effective, how many hours or days do those short-term cognitive benefits last? Does working out the day before improve your memory the following day? Let’s look at the new research.

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The study

Man doing HIIT workout.
Airam Dato-on / Pexels

In a small study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, researchers analyzed data from 76 adults. Participants were aged 50 to 83. Over eight days, participants took daily cognitive tests and wore activity trackers.

The results

Man happy smiling at desk stretching arms positive
Vitaly Gariev / Unsplash

Researchers revealed that participants who engaged in more moderate to vigorous physical activity performed better in memory tests the following day. The adults who had better scores on the memory tests:

Moderate activity can include brisk walking, cycling, or jogging. Participants who spent more time being sedentary performed worse on the tests.

Previous research

man smiling drinking tea working at desk
Olly / Pexels

This isn’t the first study to associate exercise with a better memory, and it certainly won’t be the last. Research has shown that moving your muscles enhances your neuronal activity, which refers to the chemical and electrical signals generated and transmitted by neurons in your brain. Previous studies found that people had better results on memory tests in the hours following exercise, but researchers weren’t sure how long these positive effects stick around.

Interestingly, researchers in one study determined that high-intensity interval training or HIIT and cycling were the types of exercise most likely to enhance memory, executive function, attention, and information processing.

Why does exercise improve recollection and cognition?

man exercising at night working out running outdoors high intensity dark nighttime
Drerun / Pexels

Researchers and experts believe exercise can improve memory and cognition by increasing blood flow and stimulation of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters help transmit messages between nerve cells to assist memory and thinking. Exercise can also prompt the hippocampus to form new neurons. The hippocampus in your brain plays a big role in your learning and recollection. 

Neuroplasticity of the brain

man headphones thinking smart reading book writing
Diimejii / Pexels

Research highlights that exercise promotes neuroplasticity in the brain. Neuroplasticity refers to your brain’s ability to adapt and form synaptic connections, particularly in response to learning, experience, or after an injury.

The takeaway

Man holding green kettleball doing pilates workout exercise gym wearing shorts no shirt
Alonso Reyes / Unsplash

Spending less time sitting and getting a minimum of 6 hours of sleep every night is beneficial for your mental faculties and overall health.  If you get a good workout in the day before, your mind and memory could be sharper the following day. It turns out that working out really could enhance your memory, at least for the next 24 hours, which is worth keeping in mind if you have a big presentation or test coming up. The research is mounting.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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