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How much weight could you barbell press while on a unicycle? New World Record

A skillful man from Michigan smashed the world record by hoisting a heavy barbell overhead while balancing on a single wheel.

dan galanto world record holder barbell press on a unicycle
Dan Galanto / Dan Galanto World Record Academy

Lifting a heavy barbell over your head is one thing, but doing it while riding a unicycle is another. Recently, one skillful man did just that and smashed a world record. The barbell press or the barbell shoulder press is a compound exercise where you hoist the barbell up over your head and carefully lower it back down to your chest again. It’s an effective move that engages multiple muscle groups, including your shoulders, triceps, and core. Let’s look at this interesting world record, the muscles worked during the barbell press, and the benefits.

Smashing a world record

Dan Galanto world record holder barbell press riding a unicycle
Dan Galanto / Dan Galanto Guinness World Records

Scottish athlete Jason Auld previously held the Guinness World Record for the heaviest unicycle barbell press at 149.9 pounds. Recently, Dan Galanto from Grand Rapids, Michigan, smashed two world records:

  1. The heaviest single barbell press at 93.71 kilograms or 206.6 pounds while balancing on a unicycle.
  2. The heaviest single dumbbell press at 35.42 kilograms or 78.1 pounds while balancing on a unicycle.
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Lifting two hundred pounds over your head while attempting to ride a unicycle is incredibly impressive, especially considering that most people can’t lift 200 pounds overhead with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Dan is determined and motivated, and on the 14th of September, 2024, he beat his own previous record by over 30 pounds.

Training and motivation

man holding barbell weight leaning down close up
Victor Freitas / Pexels

Dan Galanto has 20 years of weightlifting experience under his belt and a few years less riding unicycles. He started training for this world record by balancing while lifting lighter weights and working his way up to heavier weights over time. Dan effectively incorporated progressive overload while maintaining his balance on a single wheel.

The Guinness World Records certified Dan’s accomplishments, but he isn’t done yet. Now, he’s setting his sights on the fastest 100-meter car push and the highest pole vault while riding a unicycle, which takes a minute to wrap your head around.

What muscles are targeted during the barbell press?

Back and shoulder muscles
Nigel Msipa / Pexels

The traditional barbell press works the following muscles:

What are the benefits of the barbell press?

man lifting overhead barbell press in gym
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Not only does the barbell press give you this powerful, primal feeling, but you’ll also boost your shoulder strength and overall upper body strength. It’s an excellent compound move for building and sculpting your chest and shoulders for the upper part of the desirable V-taper look.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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