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How to get stronger abs with Russian twists

Benefits, instructions, and more

A man doing a Russian Twist while holding a medicine ball
Gerain0812 / Shutterstock

Did you know that the Russian twist got its name from Soviet soldiers who trained during the Cold War? This core-strengthening exercise involves rotational movements that help to build toned abs and chisel the midsection. 

Although the Russian twist seems easy, it can be done incorrectly and ineffectively if one does not maintain the proper form. To help you get strong abs without the risk of injuries, we will explore how to do a Russian twist, its alternatives, its benefits, and how you can do it.

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What muscles do Russian twists target?

Abdominal muscles.
charles / Adobe Stock

Russian twists primarily target the muscles of the abdomen. These abdominal wall muscles include the internal and external obliques, which run along the sides of your abdomen and aid in rotational torso movements, such as bending and twisting. 

The rectus abdominis, also known as the ‘six-pack’ muscle, is another muscle worked by Russian twists. It stabilizes the torso and helps flex the spine. Meanwhile, the transverse abdominis is a stabilizer that maintains balance and posture while doing Russian twists. 

Besides the abdominal wall muscles, the hip flexors are engaged to keep the legs elevated and stable. The erector spinae runs along the spine and provides upright posture and support to the back. Then, the latissimus dorsi, while not the primary target, is engaged to some extent as it assists in the rotational movement.

What are the benefits of Russian twists?

Woman doing Russian twists.
Web Daytona / Pexels

Strengthens your core muscles 

Stronger core muscles are the most impactful benefit of doing Russian twists. This effective core workout targets the abdominal muscles that form part of the core. These muscles are essential for maintaining stability, balance, and proper posture. They also play a vital role in almost every movement you make, from simple daily activities to complex athletic maneuvers. A 2023 study revealed that core training exercises significantly enhanced athletes’ core endurance and balance.

Defines your midsection 

Russian twists are worth trying if you desire a lean and attractive torso. As mentioned before, consistent practice of Russian twists helps to build muscle in the targeted areas. When coupled with a healthy diet and a calorie deficit, you could see a reduction in fat in your midsection and abs showing through.

Prevents injuries 

A strong core gives you balance and stabilizes your spine and pelvis, reducing the risk of lower back injuries. This stability is crucial during twisting, bending, or lifting. A 2016 study showed that core training exercises, including Russian twists, enhance the performance of throwing event athletes by improving balance and reducing the risk of injuries.

How to do Russian twists 

Russian twists.
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels


  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly to engage your core, forming a V-shape with your torso and thighs.
  • Although optional, raise your feet off the ground for more intensity, keeping your knees bent. Hold your hands together at your chest, or hold a weight or medicine ball.
  • Take a deep breath to stabilize your core. Exhale as you twist your torso to the right, bringing your hands or weight toward the floor beside your hip.
  • Inhale as you rotate back to the center position.
  • Exhale as you twist to the left, bringing your hands or weight to the floor beside your left hip.
  • Continue alternating twists from side to side in a controlled motion.

Recommended sets and reps: 3 to 5 sets of 10 to 15 reps

Russian twist alternatives

Bicycle crunches
Anna Schvets / Pexels
  • Bicycle crunches: To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your hands behind your head and legs stretched out. In a cycling action, bring your right elbow towards your left knee and then your left elbow towards your right knee. 
  • Side plank dips: In this exercise, you will start in a side plank position. With control, lower your hip towards the floor and then bring it back up. Do this for a number of reps before repeating on the other side.
  • Heel touches: Lying on your back with your knees bent, alternate touching your heels by side-crunching towards each foot. Heel touches effectively target the oblique muscles, similar to the twisting motion of Russian twists.
  • Cable woodchoppers: The exercise is done with a cable machine or a resistant band. Holding the handle, you pull it from a high position diagonally across your body to a low position. Keep your arms straight throughout the motion. This rotational movement strengthens the obliques and mimics the twisting action of Russian twists.
  • Plank with shoulder taps: Start this exercise in a high plank position. Fast tap the opposite shoulder with your hand, ensuring the abdominal muscles are tense. 

Frequently asked questions

Woman doing Russian twists.
Julia Larson / Pexels

Do Russian twists reduce belly fat?

Russian twists target the abdominal muscles, strengthening them to give you a fit build. However, they do not target belly fat, as fat is burned throughout the body during any form of exercise. When done consistently, they may eventually contribute to reduced belly fat when done in combination with a calorie deficit

How many Russian twists should I do for abs?

For effective abs engagement, aim for three to five sets of 10 to 15 reps on each side. Adjust as needed over time.

How to do beginner Russian twists?

As a beginner, sit with your knees bent, lean back slightly, hold your hands together at your chest, and twist your torso side-to-side slowly.

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