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How to do hanging leg raises: Your complete guide

Develop your core strength and sculpt your abs with hanging leg raises

Hanging leg raises. yellow shirt outside
Maeva Vigier / Pexels

If you want to build serious strength in your abs and hip flexors, you should seriously consider adding hanging leg raises to your workout routine. The hanging leg raise is a reasonably advanced exercise that can help you improve your shoulder flexibility and range of hip flexion, work your core, and more. It’s a simple movement that delivers big results when you master your form. But, as with any exercise, you must use the proper technique to get the best results and avoid injury. Here’s our guide to everything you need to know about how to do hanging leg raises to get the most out of your workout.

What are the benefits of hanging leg raises?

Man with shirt off and strong abs looking over the ocean
Kal Visuals / Unsplash

The hanging leg raise is a worthwhile isolation exercise that improves overall physical fitness and the ability to perform everyday functional activities. A 2014 study concluded that the hanging leg raise targets abdominal muscles and creates over 88% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) in the external obliques and over 130% in the rectus abdominis. Another study from 2018 looked at participants with dependence on several substances. It showed that incorporating the hanging leg raise into a circuit training program resulted in notable improvements in mood and a short-term reduction in drug cravings.

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Here are some additional benefits of hanging leg raises:

  • Improving your core strength could lower back pain and reduce the risk of back injury.
  • Training your hip flexors and glutes.
  • Boosting shoulder flexibility.
  • Increasing grip strength.
  • Increasing overall fitness.
  • Improving wrist strength.

What muscles does the hanging leg raise work?

Black and white image of a shirtless man wearing shorts with strong abs on a black background
Dreamlens Production / Pexels

The weight of your legs is what you use for resistance with the hanging leg raise exercise; when you perform hanging leg raises, you’ll work your:

  • Abdominals — Especially your lower abs.
  • Core muscles — Your abs are just one part of your core.
  • Hip flexors — muscles that help you bring your legs up toward your chest.
  • To a lesser extent, your arm and shoulder muscles as you hang from the bar.

If you rotate your legs and knees during the movement with the twist variation, you’ll further emphasize your obliques, which are the triangular-shaped muscles on either side of your abs.

How to do a hanging leg raise

man wearing blue shirt outside hanging on monkey bars smiling doing hanging hold exercise
Visual Karsa / Unsplash

The goal is always to perfect your form before considering increasing the difficulty of the exercise and the number of reps you perform. To do a hanging leg raise, you’ll need something to hang on, such as a pull-up bar, power tower, or captain’s chair frame.

Here’s how to do a hanging leg raise:

  1. Stand in the captain’s chair frame with your arms on the padded armrests. If the handles are available, hold them.
  2. Try to keep your back straight and your arms stable.
  3. Engage your core.
  4. With a slight bend in your knees, lift your legs until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  5. Carefully lower your legs back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat until you complete the set.

Should you bend or straighten your legs?

Man doing hanging hold exercises
Sean Murphy / Adobe Stock

There are different variations of the hanging leg raise, and it’s up to you whether you want to bend or straighten your legs. No matter what version of the hanging leg raise you choose to incorporate into your routine, you’ll still build strength and enhance your overall fitness level. If you’re a beginner, it’s best to try the bent knee version and straighten your legs as you develop more strength over time. Keeping your legs straight, especially initially, is the biggest core challenge. That being said, bending your knees higher than parallel does amplify muscle contraction as you curl your pelvis.

Mistakes to avoid

Here are the most common mistakes to avoid when performing hanging leg raises:

  • Rounding or arching your back.
  • Not bracing your core.
  • Focusing more on momentum.
  • Lowering your legs too quickly.

Variations to try

Man doing leg raises at sports ground in park outdoor
JackF / Adobe Stock

There are other variations of the hanging leg raise, such as:

  • Bent-knee hanging leg raise — You can modify this exercise to make it a little easier by bending your knees at a 90-degree angle and lifting your legs in toward your torso. Lift until your thighs are parallel to the floor. This version exerts less stress on your lower back.
  • Twisting hanging leg raise — Lift your legs to a 90-degree angle and twist to one side. Make sure you twist to the right and the left to work both sides of your obliques.
  • Single hanging leg raise — Lift one leg at a time for a more advanced version that requires more core strength. 
  • Lying hip raise — You lie on your back with your knees slightly bent and raise your legs so your toes are pointing toward the ceiling.

Top tips for perfect form

Here are some top tips to master your form:

  • Try to keep your back straight throughout.
  • Engage your core, especially before you start lifting your legs.
  • Try to focus more on slow and controlled movements rather than swinging your legs up with momentum.
  • Try to keep your arms and upper body in a stable position to support you and maintain your form.
  • Maintain full-body tension.

How to add the hanging leg raise to your workout routine

Sporty man with beard on calisthenics bars
ana belen / Canva Pro / Getty Images

Hanging leg raises might not be suitable for everyone. For example, if you’ve recently had surgery on your abdomen or you’re recovering from an injury involving your back, neck, arms, or legs, you should avoid this exercise. It’s best to ask your doctor, healthcare provider, or physical therapist if you have any questions or concerns about performing hanging leg raises.

The movement is harder than it looks. Depending on your fitness level, start with three sets of 6-12 reps until you’ve mastered your form. Hanging leg raises are the perfect addition to your lower body training or your core workout sessions.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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