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If TikTok’s 75-Hard Challenge is too much, there’s the 75-Soft Challenge instead

The 75-Soft Challenge could help you develop a more sustainable wellness routine this new year.

Man drinking water
PNW Production / Pexels

TikTok’s 75-Hard Challenge is restrictive and involves completing five daily tasks every single day. If you miss a task or don’t completely finish it, you have to start all over again at the beginning of the 75-day challenge. The five daily tasks include sticking to a diet, avoiding alcohol, drinking a gallon of water every day, and working out for 45 minutes twice a day, which is a lot to stay committed to for many people. If you’re still up for a challenge but want an easier or, shall we say, softer alternative, the 75-Soft Challenge has been picking up steam and could help you develop a more sustainable wellness routine this new year.

What is the 75-Soft Challenge?

man wearing black t shirt exercising outdoors outside with blue steps
Gabin Vallet / Unsplash

You also have to stick to the 75-Soft Challenge for 75 days, but the program isn’t so rigid. There are five rules to follow for 75 days:

  1. Eat healthier and only drink on social occasions.
  2. Drink 3 liters of water every day.
  3. Train for 45 minutes daily and include at least one day of active recovery every week.
  4. Read 10 pages of any book every day.
  5. Take progress photos at the start and end of your journey.
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The 75-Soft Challenge is more flexible and approachable for many people, and it gets you to start thinking more about your health and taking steps in the right direction.

Comparing 75-Hard and 75-Soft

A man reading a book on a couch in the living room.
Westend61 / Adobe Stock

The 75-Soft Challenge isn’t an all-or-nothing approach, which could allow you to go beyond the 75-day time frame instead of just giving up altogether because you sipped some alcohol or missed one of your two daily workout sessions. Plus, rest days are important to give your muscles sufficient time to repair and recover after training. 

The 75-Soft Challenge is more manageable for many people to stick to for multiple reasons, including:

  • The 75-Hard Challenge requires a daily progress photo, which could cause some people to hyperfocus on body image and become overwhelmed by the entire process. For 75-Soft, you only have to take a before and after picture.
  • Working out once a day is more sustainable for many busy people compared to the two daily sessions of the 75-Hard Challenge.
  • 75-Soft doesn’t require a specific, strict diet plan; instead, you just have to shift your focus to eating healthier overall and being more mindful of your eating and drinking habits.
  • 75-Soft gives you more freedom over the books you choose to read but still gently prompts you to read every day. With the 75-Hard Challenge, you have to read 10 pages of a self-development book every day.

What are the potential benefits of the 75-Soft Challenge?

man hanging from pull up bar dead hang pull up exercise strong arms
Cotton Bro / Pexels

The 75-Soft Challenge encourages you to improve your lifestyle by being more physically active, staying hydrated, paying more attention to what you eat, and taking a little time to read a book. You’ll get the benefits of exercise, such as improving your blood pressure and mood, as well as the benefits of drinking more water. It’s up to you if you’d like to try the 75-Soft or the 75-Hard Challenge.

Some people are drawn to the rigidity, structure, and intensity of 75-Hard, whereas others who want a more laid-back and gentler approach prefer the 75-Soft. TikTok fitness challenges aren’t for everyone. If you’re not sure, you can always start by trying to drink more water or exercising three days a week.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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