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Irish police ditched these exercises from the fitness entry test — here’s why

How many sit-ups and push-ups can you do in one minute?

Irish police Garda picture outside building
Paolo T / Pexels

Just like the fitness entry test for the FBI, police forces around the world have their own physical entry tests and requirements for new recruits. Recently, Garda, otherwise known as the Irish police force, made big changes to their physical entry assessment, including dropping the exercises and challenges many of us remember doing in school.

Ditching the sit-ups and push-ups

Man doing sit ups in the park
Maridav / Shutterstock

Garda chiefs stated that those wishing to join the force would no longer have to power through any sit-ups or push-ups to gain admission to the Garda College. The policy recently came into effect after growing concerns over the low number of people passing the initial fitness test and officials having difficulty bringing in new recruits.

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While all candidates will have to pass a fitness test, the fitness test will be standardized rather than having different versions for older and younger hopefuls and men and women. 162 out of 520 candidates didn’t pass last year, heightening these concerns.

Bye-bye, bleep test

man exercising running around outdoors dark grey sky
Zakaria / Pexels

The widely talked about and often dreaded bleep test was also relaxed as part of these new recruitment requirements. Previously, for a set time limit, candidates would have to run repeatedly back and forth between two points set about 20 meters apart. Now, the bleep test, otherwise known as the shuttle run, has also been changed.

Why are sit-ups and push-ups more challenging for some people?

Man working with remote personal trainer doing virtual exercise class at home working out yoga plank pushup
Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Sit-ups require a degree of mobility and strength in your core and abdominal muscles, as well as your hip flexors. It also involves the right technique and posture. Push-ups are also more challenging for some people because you lift your body weight and maintain your balance and stability. Heavier individuals might need to be even stronger to physically move their body weight up into the push-up position and carefully back down to the ground.

A positive or a negative step?

Irish police building Garda
Lauren Boswell / Pexels

Some are praising the new entry test requirements as a positive step that opens the doors for more recruits, while others claim the standards are dropping too low and that a higher level of fitness is imperative for those in the force given the physical demands of the job.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
Fitness gurus recommend growing those glutes with the hip thrust — here’s why
Research shows the hip thrust is more effective at training the glutes for sprinting compared to the split squat or back squat.
Man wearing black and red sneakers in gym doing hip thrusts with weight barbell on bench

The hip thrust lights up your glutes and hamstrings to strengthen and sculpt these major muscles. It’s a weighted variation of the glute bridge where your back is elevated up off the floor. Fitness gurus recommend the weighted hip thrust to primarily work your gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and hamstrings while also engaging your quads, core, and adductors.
How to do the hip thrust

It’s best to start by mastering the basic bridge before attempting the weighted hip thrust. Always start with lighter weights and work your way up as you develop strength over time. 

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Running legs on a track

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What is cardiovascular endurance?

Cardiovascular endurance is your body’s ability to continue physical activity for prolonged periods without getting fatigued. Your cardiovascular endurance is a measure of the ability of your heart, blood vessels, and lungs to deliver oxygen to your muscles while you’re exercising. You can improve it by engaging in regular aerobic exercise like running, dancing, or cycling.

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The rowing machine is a low-impact cardiovascular workout that engages multiple muscle groups
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As well as providing benefits like torching calories and enhancing strength, flexibility, and endurance, I also love the feeling of stretching and working my shoulders and back. The next time you try rowing on the water, you’ll notice a boost in your rowing abilities. Plus, it’s an interesting change from the treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike. Research shows that rowing five days a week for six weeks reduces total body fat percentage, fat mass, and cholesterol and increases back strength and trunk flexion.
Intro to Jack Nunn and the rowing machine

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