Switching to low carb beer offers a great alternative to allow you to enjoy beer, even on a low-carb or keto diet, without consuming many carbs at all.
Tracking the food you eat can help you maximize the results you see on the scale or in your waistline, regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle.
In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know about choosing collagen protein vs whey and how to determine which is best for your fitness goals.
Cooking can enhance digestion and increase the absorption of certain nutrients, lead to the reduction of key vitamins, minerals, and other important compounds.
Lean ground beef, such as 93/7 ground beef, is an excellent source of protein and contains a rich nutrient profile, ideal for working into dinner recipes.
But are intra workout carbs the best strategy for everyone? Should you try it? Let's dive into this fitness trend and who should consider giving it a try.