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Pros and cons of remote personal training — the fastest-growing fitness trend

Since the Covid pandemic, remote personal training has continued rising in popularity.

Man working with remote personal trainer doing virtual exercise class at home working out yoga plank pushup
Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

The digital age has shifted many things from in-person to online. From shopping to communicating and gaming, online modern convenience has become the new normal. During the Covid pandemic, people became more interested in getting fit and improving their wellness from the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Traditionally, you’d work out with a personal trainer in a gym or an in-person setting; however, the trend of remote personal training started picking up steam with the pandemic, and it continues on the cusp of 2025. 

A new report from PureGym shows that remote personal training is the fastest-growing fitness trend, with a 414% increase in Google searches from last year. Let’s look at remote personal training and the pros and cons.

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What is remote personal training?

man sitting remote personal training workout at home laptop exercise
Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

Remote personal training refers to personal training from a remote location where a trainer guides a client through virtual online workouts. The trainer and the client use video calls and online platforms to work together instead of meeting at a gym or an in-person location. The client can exercise from their home or their own location, and the trainers can still provide personalized plans, instruction, modifications, and feedback during workouts through live video calls. Plans can be tailored based on the client’s fitness level, goals, and available equipment.

What are the pros?

man working out at home exercise remote personal training exercise class yoga stretch
Cottonbro / Pexels

Remote personal training often involves the use of fitness trackers so you can track your progress and metrics. There are plenty of pros when it comes to remote personal training, such as:

  • Convenience, privacy, and accessibility: you can work from the comfort of your home or your preferred location.
  • There’s no need to travel to another place, which could mean more time for other life events and activities.
  • It might be more affordable than traditional in-person training.
  • Most remote personal trainers offer free or cost-effective consultations.
  • Many remote personal trainers talk to you about nutrition and other lifestyle factors, such as sleep and stress management.

What are the cons?

at home workout exercise man and woman class stretch yoga
Kampus / Pexels

There aren’t too many cons because you’re still getting the benefits of exercise and working with a personal trainer for guidance. That being said, it might not be ideal for everyone, and there are some potential considerations, such as:

  • Relying on a reliable internet connection and working equipment.
  • You might not have access to the same large range of equipment available at a gym or studio.
  • There might be more potential distractions at your home that could cause you to lose your focus, such as pets or family.
  • Some people prefer the experience of meeting face-to-face with a personal trainer.
  • Some people feel more motivated having the coach physically beside them rather than virtually on the screen.

Should you try remote personal training?

man sitting on yoga mat at home workout laptop exercise class thinking
Shkrabaanthony / Pexels

Whether or not you should try remote personal training depends on your preferences and circumstances. The fact that you’re considering working with a personal trainer in any way means that you’re committed to improving your fitness and taking positive steps with your health. If you try remote personal training and decide it’s not for you, you can always find an in-person coach instead. You could always start with an online consultation. A good trainer will be able to help you level up your fitness regardless and help you set achievable and realistic short- and long-term goals.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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