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Scorch your quads with surrender squats — the popular HIIT bodyweight move

Surrender squats are a killer move for leg day.

man doing surrender squats in gym
Yaroslav Astakhov / Adobe Stock

After doing surrender squats, the quad muscles in your thighs will really want to surrender, and you might have trouble holding your body weight up and walking back to your car or over to your bed or couch. Squats are a classic and effective bodyweight move targeting multiple muscle groups, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, abs, and calves. Variations like barbell squats also work varying muscle groups like your back muscles. Lately, fitness buffs everywhere have been raving about surrender squats. This move is an excellent way to strengthen your legs, which helps with your everyday functional tasks and reduces your risk of injuries and falls. Let’s look at this squat variation, the benefits, and top tips. 

What are surrender squats?

man doing surrender squats exercise lunge position
Anatoliy Karlyuk / Adobe

Performing surrender squats involves going from a kneeling position to a squatting position and back again while holding your hands behind your head.

How to do a surrender squat:

  1. Start in a kneeling position on the floor. Most people prefer using an exercise mat or yoga mat for the knees.
  2. Keep your chest up and your torso tall, and place your hands behind your head.
  3. Engage your core and lift your right knee to bring your right foot in front of you. Plant your right foot on the floor.
  4. Press through the heel of your right foot and lift your left knee. Step your left foot forward to bring your body into a low squat position.
  5. Step your left foot back behind you and lower your left knee back down to the floor.
  6. Bring your right knee back behind you to the floor to return back to the starting kneeling position.
  7. Now, you can repeat the move starting with your other leg.
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Maintaining a stable position where you aren’t shifting from side to side is one of the most difficult parts of this movement.

What are the benefits of surrender squats?

Young strong man posing and flexing his quadriceps legs muscles in a gym blue shorts holding
Chris Graphics / Adobe Stock

Surrender squats are a killer move for leg day. With your hands behind your head, you’ll really have to engage your core and work on your balance and coordination. Surrender squats are a worthwhile lower-body move that doesn’t require any equipment unless you’re ready to up the challenge and add a weight. You’ll tone your glutes, legs, and core.

How to incorporate surrender squats into your training routine

man and woman doing surrender squats exercise
Undrey / Adobe

Generally speaking, you can aim for two or three sets of eight to 12 reps of surrender squats. You should see progress if you incorporate them two or three times a week and prioritize your rest days. Always start with a light warm-up, and as you develop strength and improve your form, you can increase your sets and reps over time.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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