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Fitness buffs are talking about VO2 max — what is it and why does it matter?

What does your VO2 max say about your health?

man jumping rope in gym jump rope aerobic cardio exercise
Cottonbro / Pexels

If you’ve hung out with enough avid cyclists, swimmers, or runners, you’ve probably heard the term VO2 max come up in conversation. You might have heard that it’s a good way to determine how fit you are and help assess your risk of cardiovascular disease. The higher your VO2 max, the better your ability to perform your daily functional tasks, including walking, lifting, and moving around. VO2 max is worth knowing about, especially if you regularly do aerobic exercise. Let’s look at what it is, how to measure it, and what it can tell you about your health.

What is VO2 max?

Man swimming in a pool.
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

The V stands for volume, and the O2 stands for oxygen. VO2 max is a way to measure the maximum rate of oxygen your body absorbs and consumes during exercise. It might also be called your oxygen uptake, and it’s usually measured as ml/kg/minute, which refers to the milliliters of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body weight and per minute of exercise. The number is often used to assess your general and cardiorespiratory fitness and the way your lungs, circulatory system, and muscles work together and independently.

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How is VO2 max measured?

vo2 max test treadmill submaximal
VO2 Master / Pexels

VO2 max is usually measured in a lab, doctor’s office, or hospital by a medical professional or fitness specialist. Some personal trainers and fitness instructors are certified to conduct VO2 max tests, which might also be called submaximal exercise tests. You perform the test on a treadmill or a stationary bike, and the intensity will progressively increase until you reach your maximum effort. There are also other types of VO2 max tests, such as the Cooper 12-minute run test and the 2,000-meter rowing test. 

VO2 max varies depending on your age, fitness level, and other factors. According to Trume Labs, the average for untrained males is around 35-40 mL/kg/min.

What does it mean if you have a higher VO2 max?

man doing calisthenics workout outside
Nikola Vuckovic / Pexels

A higher VO2 max is associated with a higher fitness level and better health, athletic performance, and longevity. It’s also associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease. If you have a higher VO2 max, your lungs and heart are more efficient at supplying blood to your muscles. It also means that your muscles are effectively using oxygen from your blood. 

As you breathe in oxygen, your lungs turn it into energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP fuels your cells and assists the respiratory process. The higher your VO2 max, the more oxygen your body can consume, and the better your body can use that oxygen to generate ATP energy and power through a workout.

Use it as a benchmark

man running wearing hoodie outside two shirts
Mary Taylor / Pexels

You can use your VO2 max as a benchmark to track your progress as you fine-tune your athletic abilities. Oxygen uptake isn’t just used for athletes; it’s also a good indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness for anyone. Medical professionals often use it to assess heart and lung health.

Increase your VO2 max

man doing HIIT high intensity interval training outside on grass rope
Alora Griffiths / Unsplash

You don’t need more reasons to exercise and get your muscles moving, but research shows that even occasional intense workouts can improve VO2 max levels. Performing high-intensity interval training or HIIT and aerobic exercises can help you raise your VO2 max levels.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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