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A rye whiskey aged using wooden staves for sustainable distilling

Bespoken Spirits' The Epic rye whiskey is aged using wooden staves

Bespoken Spirits

Even if you’re a whiskey enthusiast, one spirit you might not be super familiar with is rye whiskey. Often considered whiskey’s spicier, more peppery cousin, rye is beloved by cocktail fans thanks to its starring roles in cocktails like the Sazerac or the Manhattan. But it can be a great choice to drink neat as well, especially if you prefer whiskeys which are on the sweeter and spicier side.

Now, a new rye whiskey from Bespoken Spirits is hitting the market. Known as The Epic, it comes in at a hefty 114 proof to carry its rich flavors of citrus peel, marshmallow, pumpernickel, and brown sugar.

Bespoken Spirits is a newer Kentucky distillery which aims to mix the goals of sustainability and quality, seeking to use less wood, energy, and water in the production of its spirits. The Epic is finished with four different types of wood staves, which are the blocks of wood which have been part of whiskey barrels. Rather than putting the spirit into the barrel, the staves are used to put the barrel into the whiskey, adding a blended element to the finishing process.

As a special release, The Epic will be a Kentucky-only release, so you’ll have to do some work to track down a bottle. “We are thrilled to present our very first Distillery-only release to the public! This exceptional rye whiskey will be a standout feature for Bespoken throughout the fall bourbon festival season in Kentucky,” said Scott Savage, CEO of Bespoken Spirits. “Our team has poured their passion and expertise into this release, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with the vibrant community of Lexington and the rest of Kentucky.”

Georgina Torbet
Georgina Torbet is a cocktail enthusiast based in Berlin, with an ever-growing gin collection and a love for trying out new…
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