
The 4th of July has come and gone, but there are still some lasting deals on great summer outdoor gear. And that means you’re going to find some outstanding grills on sale. Take this Blackstone Duo 17 deal, for instance. It would usually run you $229 over at Walmart, but right now you can get it at a reduced price of just $177. That savings of $52 is thanks to the massive Walmart Deals sale going on this week. To take advantage of it, all you have to do is tap the button below. This is a Walmart “Popular Pick,” is residing it over 200 people’s carts at the time of this writing, and is quite seasonal as far as deals go, so be sure to purchase soon if you intend to pick up the deal. But feel free to keep reading to learn more about the Blackstone Duo 17.
Why you should buy the Blackstone Duo 17
It’s yet another source of family division. Do you use the grill top or the griddle top to cook most of your outdoor foods? The grill is perfect for meats (and even some veg) and leaves behind that classic, crisscrossing of seared lines. Meanwhile, the griddle — smooth and whole — provides balanced heat and a reasonable surface to cook eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Choosing is difficult.
The Blackstone Duo 17 resolves the issue once and for all. With 219 square inches of grill space on the left and 267 square inches of griddle space on the right, everyone is going to be happy. It’s also going to be great for your outdoors event, wherever you may host it. With sturdy wheels and a long, easy to grip handle, you’ll be able to push and pull it across the sidewalk and even into the lawn. There’s also a nice shelf below the cooking area to carry needed supplies with you. As you cook, hang your utensils on the supplied hooks and push excess oil down the back of the griddle to the Blackstone read grease management system.
Once again, you can get your Blackstone Duo 17 for just $177 while this deal lasts. It’s a savings of $52 off of the usual $229. All you need to do is tap the button below. Then, while you’re in the shopping mood, consider these lingering 4th of July home and garden deals to get your whole yard and home booming into the summer.