The summer is rapidly ending. That means its time to squeeze in as many beach trips, river cruises, and cannon ball dives as possible. Get yourself outside for God’s sake before pumpkin spice season is upon us!
One thing you should also do before the summer ends is enjoy some excellent white wine. We all know that white wines are best enjoyed with a little chill and there’s no better time to drink a crisp white than during the final, hot days of the summer. Luckily, we have two great and affordable white wines to recommend for you. These are absolutely perfect for summer drinking and they both come from California wine country.
The first is the 2014 Wild Horse Viognier, which comes from the Central Coast region of California that stretches from Santa Barbara County up north to the San Francisco Bay Area. Viognier is a variety of wine that comes from Rhone Valley, but is also grown in parts of South America, New Zealand, Australia and (as you already know since it can be made in California) North America. Viognier has similarities to Chardonnay, but tends to a have a fruitier aroma filled with notes of peach and pear.
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The 2014 Wild Horse Viognier year could almost be described as a “nectar.” When it is fresh out of the wine fridge or off ice, there is a crispness that makes it incredibly easy to drink. However, as the glass warms, you can really pick up on the sweetness of the wine. It’s nothing overwhelming—the flavors are more than welcome. And you’ll notice a lingering citrus taste in your mouth after each quaff. This wine would go well with a dish like seared scallops, but in our estimation the perfect match would be with fresh shellfish. You know: half shell, shaved ice, lemon. It’s that kind of wine.
We also recommend the 2013 Anaba Turbine White, which comes from the heralded Sonoma Valley. The name comes from the “turbine” logo found on the Anaba label, but the wine is a blend of Rhone style varietals. The exact blend is 42% Rousanne (for aroma), 20% Grenache Blanc (for low acidity and length of finish), 20% Picpoul Blanc (for spice), and 18% Marsanne (for sweetness).
What strikes you first about the Anaba is its clarity. This is a white wine. But it differs from the Wild Horse Viognier in that its flavors are lush and a bit stronger on the tongue. If the Wild Horse had notes of peach, pear and citrus, the Anaba has an entire scale of flavor. There is a slightly more alcoholic finish, but it proves to just as easy to drink as the Wild Horse—again, especially when it has been chilled.
White wines are great to drink all year around, but they really hit the spot as a refreshing summer drink. But time’s a wasting to enjoy these excellent white wines this summer. So check out a bottle or two for yourself.